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TC10 won't start properly

I just downloaded TC10. I am on XP SP3. When it executed the first time, AVG complained, as others on this forum have said. It moved "offending" dll to AVG's quarantine folder. Then I OK'd that file to restore it, then uninstalled TC10 and reinstalled. This time I told AVG that the TC10 folder was OK.

But when I started it up, I got the strange behavior shown in the attached jpeg. I cannot get rid of the vertical line through the TC10 window, and cannot get any response from the program. Alt-F4 closes it.


  • 0002.jpg
    73.9 KB · Views: 215
CarlM wrote:

> I just downloaded TC10. I am on XP SP3. When it executed the first time, AVG complained, as others on this forum have said. It moved "offending" dll to AVG's quarantine folder. Then I OK'd that file to restore it, then uninstalled TC10 and reinstalled. This time I told AVG that the TC10 folder was OK.
> But when I started it up, I got the strange behavior shown in the attached jpeg. I cannot get rid of the vertical line through the TC10 window, and cannot get any response from the program. Alt-F4 closes it.
> Attached to this message is 0002.jpg (http://jpsoft.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=53&d=1239839364)<br>

It looks like your registry settings (which save the window positions)
may have been trashed.

Start REGEDIT and go to "HKCU\Software\JP Software\Take Command 10" and
delete the "Settings" key.

Rex Conn
JP Software
It looks like your registry settings (which save the window positions)
may have been trashed.

Start REGEDIT and go to "HKCU\Software\JP Software\Take Command 10" and
delete the "Settings" key.

Rex Conn
JP Software

Did that, but no change at all in the window problem.
I am at my wits end about this.

I still have v6 installed. Could there be a bad interaction?

I have searched the computer, and there is only one TCMD.INI. It is in Local Settings\Application Data\JPSoft. It is timestamped at the time I installed v10 yesterday. It is zero length.

I have investigated AVG: AVG thinks that TakeCmd.dll has a virus. I have told AVG that the folder TCMD10 is safe. I have turned off AVG and ran tcmd.exe again, but same result.

I tried deleting the registry key you suggested. No change.

FYI, when I exit tcmd.exe, either by alt-f4 or by escape, the vertical bar disappears first, then the entire window.

When the tcmd.exe window is displayed, the cpu usage updates, but the program takes no entry, even toggling numlock.

FYI, tcc.exe works fine.
CarlM wrote:

> I am at my wits end about this.
> I have investigated AVG: AVG thinks that TakeCmd.dll has a virus. I have told AVG that the folder TCMD10 is safe. I have turned off AVG and ran tcmd.exe again, but same result.
> I tried deleting the registry key you suggested. No change.
> FYI, when I exit tcmd.exe, either by alt-f4 or by escape, the vertical bar disappears first, then the entire window.
> When the tcmd.exe window is displayed, the cpu usage updates, but the program takes no entry, even toggling numlock.
> FYI, tcc.exe works fine.

I've never seen (or heard) of anything like your problem, but there are
certainly a LOT of problems with AVG. I'd recommend removing AVG,
installing an antivirus app that actually works, then reinstalling Take

(The dll that AVG is complaining about is used in both Take Command and
TCC; why AVG decided to only destroy Take Command is another mystery!)

Rex Conn
JP Software
Please look at my edited post today -- that I still have v6 installed and comments on TCMD.INI
Fixed it!!

It was COMODO, which does two-way firewall protection and is very picky about what apps are trusted.

AVG is not to blame.

Whew, I am glad that is over :D
CarlM wrote:
| Fixed it!!
| It was COMODO, which does two-way firewall protection and is very
| picky about what apps are trusted.
| AVG is not to blame.
| Whew, I am glad that is over :D

Many firewall programs require you to authorize network (including internet)
access by any program (including other builds of an already authorized
program). Some do not have any "trusted programs" when first installed. Was
this the type of problem you had with COMODO, or did it mangle the
downloaded version of TCMD?
When I downloaded TCMD, it asked me whether this was a trusted app, and I answered incorrectly, with a choice I thought meant OK, but the choice actually meant it was not to be trusted. So, I have learned alot more about COMODO. It seems like a powerful program -- I found a way to trust not only a folder of pgms, but the signed vendor also.
CarlM wrote:
| When I downloaded TCMD, it asked me whether this was a trusted app,
| and I answered incorrectly, with a choice I thought meant OK, but the
| choice actually meant it was not to be trusted. So, I have learned
| alot more about COMODO. It seems like a powerful program -- I found a
| way to trust not only a folder of pgms, but the signed vendor also.

I just downloaded and installed the free version of COMODO. Since I have
previously installed versions of TCC/4NT 5,6,7,8,9 and 10, I attempted to
use the IFTP command from each to connect to various FTP sites. The IFTP
command worked, but DIR FTP: returned with a few empty lines after long
delays. I had trouble with the installation, I'll remove and reinstall
COMODO before anything else.
I haven't done FTP after I installed COMODO, so I don't know how to handle that issue. You can turn COMODO off for the FTP; you needn't remove it.