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TC13 popup window edit fields

  • Thread starter Thread starter ron
  • Start date Start date
"All of the popup windows (history lists, filename completion, @select, etc) have an edit control on the toolbar. Entering a search string there (or just typing while the popup window has focus) will eliminate non-matching entries from the window."

First, I like what you've done here.

But...in v12, the history/command windows have the edit control but it doesn't do much. Confused...
Well, it does do *something* - in v12. When I type in the field it scrolls to the commands that begin with the text I'm typing. So it seems like an incomplete implementation of what's in v13.

So what was the purpose of the field in v12?
> Well, it does do *something* - in v12. When I type in the field it
scrolls to the

> commands that begin with the text I'm typing. So it seems like an

> implementation of what's in v13.

Not really -- you're not actually typing in the edit control (impossible, as
it's read-only). You're typing in the listbox (which always has focus in
v12), which then updates the text field that you think is an edit control.

So it's more like a non-existent implementation of what's in v13. (That
admittedly might superficially resemble a tiny portion of what is happening
in v13 -- as long as you don't try to edit any existing characters, or use
any cursor keys or shortcut keys.)
Ah, now I see what you mean by read-only.

Nonetheless, a welcome addition to lucky v13 :-)
With 12, when you type the selected row changes to reflect what you've typed so far, and all you have to do is press Enter when you've arrived at the row you want. With 13, as you type, the list gets smaller until the desired row is either the only row or perhaps the top row, but you can't press Enter because no row is selected. You have to press Home or down arrow, then enter. Is there a way to press a single key to select the top line in the list box?

You might ask, what's an extra keystroke? Well, I'm a software developer and I use this to switch contexts so I'm doing it all the time, many times a day. Plus I have years of muscle memory. If 13 can't be enhanced so it automatically keeps the top row selected (unless you explicitly move the cursor), I'll have to reprogram my script.

Is it possible to use 12's version in 13? It seems to be an internal command.

I just tried this with the history pop-up in v13. I typed "nslookup -type=m" in the edit-box. The history was narrowed down to two entries (none selected). I pressed "Enter". TCC disappeared, leaving this GPF file.
TCC  13.03.39
EAX=07D7C0D2  EBX=7651C246  ECX=750A17C4  EDX=05744040
ESI=76215539  EDI=00000000  EBP=016EBB8C  ESP=016EB870
CS=0000001B  DS=00000023  ES=00000023  SS=00000023
1 : TakeCmd.dll 00000001:000b176a
2 : TakeCmd.dll 00000001:0009fa3e
I tried a few more times, once with just "dir" which showed many entries (none selected). Every time TCC crashed.
Same here. Four tabs open in TCMD (TCC, bash, zsh and Powershell).

Hit page down to bring up history list, type CD (narrowed down to 2 selections), press ENTER with nothing selected and TCC is gone leaving the other three tabs open in TCMD. I will say though, that it wasn't until my second try that this happened. First attempt didn't crash or do anything else when I had nothing selected in the history window. Here's my GPF.
TCC  13.03.39
EAX=00040006  EBX=7C802446  ECX=7C802600  EDX=03654158
ESI=7E42929A  EDI=00000000  EBP=016EBBC4  ESP=016EB8A8
CS=0000001B  DS=00000023  ES=00000023  SS=00000023
1 : TakeCmd.dll 00000001:000b176a
2 : TakeCmd.dll 00000001:0009fa3e