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TCC 13.03 Build 30 crashes on VER /R

TCMD/TCC will always crash an the command VER /R and try search a solution for this problem
The VER-Command without switch will run without problems:
TCC 13.03.39 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]

Also the Installer cannot update an installed (test) version, only repair or remove is avaiable.

Mit freundlichsten Grüßen

Peter Murschall
Not reprodible here. (Even if you're getting a TCC crash, it couldn't possible crash TCMD as well -- although if you only have one TCC tab window open and you have TCMD set to close if no tabs are present, it might look that way.) All that VER /R does is read the Windows registry, so it's possible that you have a corrupted registry.

If TCC crashes, it will generate a TCMD.GPF file, usually in the same location as the TCMD.INI, which will vary depending on the version of Windows you're running. Please post the contents of that file; if I can't reproducible the crash I can't do anything without the .GPF file.

Anybody else able to reproduce this?

There is no update option in the installer, and never has been. The only update option is from within Take Command (Help / Check for Updates) or TCC (OPTION / Updates).
I have a VER /R in my TCSTART.BTM.

Me too :-)
On this way I encountered the very surprising "misbehaviour", and after replacing
it by a simple VER, I could reproduce the error on the commandline itself.

[... deletion ...] after replacing
it by a simple VER, I could reproduce the error on the commandline itself.
I am unable to reproduce this error with TCC LE. It returns normally to the command prompt. 32-bit Windows 7 Enterprise.
[0]> ver /r
TCC LE  13.03.39  Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC LE Build 39  Windows 7 Build 7601  Service Pack 1
TCC has defintely a problem with "VER" - maybe in this environment: Windows 7, some restrictive policies,it's my office machine.
(We have switch off the UAC, because it make to may problems with the regular daily work.)
I have replaced the critical line with:
....IFF %@INT[%_4VER] GE 13 THEN
The BDEBUGGER/IDE will allways stopping (like Shift-F5 pressing) if it encounter a line with the simple VER-command !
Unfortunately the trial period has expired ......:mad:
You never responded to my original reply. Did you look for the *.GPF file? Or check your Windows registry? (Look for "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JP Software\Take Command 13.0". There should be a "Key" and "Name" field there.

The only other possibility is that you have a bad copy of IsLicense50.dll (which is only referenced on a VER /R, not on a simple VER). This is a COM dll, and has to be registered (which is done during the TCMD installation). Try running (as an administrator) "regsvr32.exe IsLicense50.dll" in the TCMD directory and see what Windows responds with.
You never responded to my original reply. Did you look for the *.GPF file?

Sorry Rex, for that fault - I've looked for GPF's but no one found (in the past there are some created by 4NT... )
But yesterday I've installed TC13.03 on a Windows XP machine and - I get the same problem !
I've today "registered" the suspicious DLL manually with REGSRVR32 like You recomend it, but the result is the same !
On Windows XP, if I put the command the VER/R in TCC/TCMD, I get an Exception Message: "0x80000004 on position 0x1008abc9" and the program ends after click on OK-Button. Also if I start them without TCSART, I can reproduce this behaviour every time.
In the registry the fields are present at the appropriate position, Key: xxxx

May it be, that there are interactions with an installed 4NT/TCMD V8 ?
Hi I downloaded your program Take command to try for 30 days and like all the features it has , but have to agree with Peter that Ver /R is
some how exiting the program. If I put a extra tab window in and it will exit that window but stay in the program.
I looked at your other version TCC LE and it works ok??....
Yep - now its working :cool:
But: All things like @DISKFREE[d] (DISKTOTAL,DISKUSED etc.) are now pedantic with the driveletter (colon) !
So I get a bunch of "The system cannot find the desired path !" messages with my starting scripts :mad:
In Build 39 this was not the case ......:eek:
But: All things like @DISKFREE[d] (DISKTOTAL,DISKUSED etc.) are now pedantic with the driveletter (colon) !
So I get a bunch of "The system cannot find the desired path !" messages with my starting scripts :mad:
In Build 39 this was not the case ......:eek:

That is invalid syntax (and always has been - see the help). It didn't work in previous versions either, though it didn't return an error. (It just returned the wrong values for large drives.)

But I've added a kludge for build 46 to detect the invalid syntax and correct it before getting the drive info from Windows.
That is invalid syntax (and always has been - see the help).
But I've added a kludge for build 46 to detect the invalid syntax and correct it before getting the drive info from Windows.

You are absolutely right, Rex and You should be consequent in future versions with invalid syntax behaviour.
This "generosity" of 4NT/TC was been fairly easy and comfortable (for me :) )
So, many thanks for that "kludge", but I've already checked all of my scripts for such syntax errors and corrected it.
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