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How to? TCC 15: popup windows; launching Perl scripts

(TCC 15.01.52 x64 Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1)

I've been away from TCC for some time. It seems I've forgotten some things...The online help notes: popup windows can be moved/resized, and remember their sizes and positions. But the history and dirhistory windows sometimes resize themselves (always smaller than expected), with dirhistory sometimes shrinking to a single line. I have to keep resizing them manually -- especially dirhistory. I'd like to have at least 30 lines displayed. Can I set a default?

I'm having trouble invoking Perl (using 32-bit ActiveState Perl 5.16) scripts this way at the command line: scriptname.pl Result: Error (SYS): Invalid class string. Doesn't happen under cmd.exe. With the Perl support disabled via OPTION, the error message might appear, but I can't tell because a new TCC window opens and then closes too quickly to see what's in it.

If scripts are launched like this: perl.exe scriptname.pl — no problem. I have a .PL variable set as follows: .pl=c:\perl\bin\perl.exe. Assoc shows a definition for ".PL" ("perl.exe"). Prepending "perl.exe" would be ok for running Perl scripts via .btm files. But I'd like to avoid having to prepend "perl.exe" each time at the command line. What might I have set incorrectly? I know I noted this in a message quite a while ago. Wondering if anyone's had the same problem — and solved it. (Do I need to uninstall the x64 version of TCC and install the 32-bit version?)

Thanks in advance.
My experience is that the directory history window does remember its size but will appear smaller if there's not enough history to fill it. It will grow with the addition of new directories until it reaches the saved size.
I'm finding that the dirhistory window is always reducing the number of lines it displays, even when there's enough screen real estate to show everything currently in the history without need to scroll the list. It's always at least one line short. When it contains only, say, 1-3 entries, sometimes it shrinks so far height-wise that not even a complete line is displayed — then, even scrolling doesn't help because there's only a partial line (again, height-wise) of text displayed in the popup window.
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Screen shot: there are 4 entries in the history at the moment. Only one is displayed. This time, the one line is displayed at full height rather than being cut off.


  • Small-dir-history-popup.jpg
    12.7 KB · Views: 286
Remove the popup window directives from your TCMD.INI. If you have the old-style (row/column) directives, TCC will use those (and truncate the window view). If you delete them, TCC will rewrite them to the new pixel-based format, and save the values whenever you resize the window.
I'm having trouble invoking Perl (using 32-bit ActiveState Perl 5.16) scripts this way at the command line: scriptname.pl Result: Error (SYS): Invalid class string. Doesn't happen under cmd.exe. With the Perl support disabled via OPTION, the error message might appear, but I can't tell because a new TCC window opens and then closes too quickly to see what's in it.

Turn off Perl in OPTION / Startup / Scripting.
Remove the popup window directives from your TCMD.INI. If you have the old-style (row/column) directives, TCC will use those (and truncate the window view). If you delete them, TCC will rewrite them to the new pixel-based format, and save the values whenever you resize the window.

Hi Rex -- concerning the pop-up windows: this being a brand-new TCC installation — with nothing "carried over" from any older installations of JPS products — there aren't any popup directives in the .INI file as far as I can tell. ...Um, no, I'm wrong about that... I just took another look in the .INI file. There are PopupWin* directives in there after all. I will comment them out and try again.

There don't seem to be any popup-window-related settings in the OPTION dialog — how do they get into the .INI file? Thanks.
Turn off Perl in OPTION / Startup / Scripting.

I've tried it both ways:

(1) Perl disabled in Startup/Scripting: launching a script at the command line by typing scriptname.pl causes a second TCC window to open and close very quickly. It disappears so fast that I can't see what happens in it. Nothing further happens in the original TCC console window.

(2) Perl enabled in Startup/Scripting: launching the script that same way at the command line ("scriptname.pl") produces the Error (SYS): Invalid class string error message.
  • Precede scriptname.pl command with "start": new TCC console window opens, with TCSTART launching first. When TCSTART is finished, the Error (SYS): Invalid class string message appears in the new window; the script doesn't execute (and nothing happens in the original TCC window).
Well . . . do I possibly need to consider switching back to 32-bit TCMD, since I'm using 32-bit Perl (I won't touch 64-bit Perl with a 20-foot cattle prod)? If so how difficult is it to do a license swap in swapping TCMD/TCC versions — and is there any significant drawback to running 32-bit TCMD in a 64-bit o.s.?

Rex — at this point I expect that the only practical solution is to go back to a 32-bit TCMD version. If I do, what's required in terms of replacing the paid/registered 64-bit version with a 32-bit version?

And: is there any significant drawback to running 32-bit TCMD on this hardware, with its 64-bit o.s. version?
FYI: Just install 32b TCMD, and register it with the same key. It will allow you to use the plugins without 64b versions. I have both 32b and 64b versions installed on my other machine. You can even run 32b TCC in a tab of 64b TCMD AFAIK. You can just switch between the 32b and 64b versions, depending on what you are doing. Use 32b when using PERL, 64b for other things.