> choco update
TCC: Unbekannter Befehl "F:\chocolatey\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.cmd update"
It looks like choco (F:\chocolatey\bin\choco.exe) is a thin wrapper around the actual script (F:\chocolatey\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.cmd). Running chocolatey.cmd directly succeeds.
The same command works in TCC 16.
> choco update
TCC: Unbekannter Befehl "F:\chocolatey\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.cmd update"
It looks like choco (F:\chocolatey\bin\choco.exe) is a thin wrapper around the actual script (F:\chocolatey\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.cmd). Running chocolatey.cmd directly succeeds.
The same command works in TCC 16.