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TCMD 12 64-bit locking up frequently

Since I installed the 64-bit version of TCMD 12 on Friday (12.00.32), it has been locking up multiple times per day. As yet I have not been able to work out what is triggering the problem, but when it did it this morning as my PC was starting up, Windows 7 created a crash report. All the other times it has just been a lockup where the TCMD window stops responding and I have to get Windows to kill it. I have just updated to 12.00.35 x64 this morning and it has done two lockups since then.

The 32 bit version of TCMD 12 is running fine at home under Vista. It is just the 64-bit version on my work PC under Windows 7 64-bit that is the problem. The work PC is attached to a Windows SBS domain and is fully updated with the latest Microsoft patches.

TCMD 11 x64 was running fine on this PC before I installed TMCD 12. I just took my existing TCMD11-64.INI file, copied it to a TCMD12-64.INI file and updated the paths in it to point to the TCMD12 directory. Then I copied my TCMD 11 icon and did the same to that. So since it was never created by TCMD 12, it is possible that the INI file may have some things in it that are not right for TCMD 12.

I have zipped up the crash report (from 12.00.32 x64) and put it on my web site as a blind URL, alnog with my TCMD12-64.INI file:


I hope there are some clues in that that can help point to the problem.
Since I installed the 64-bit version of TCMD 12 on Friday (12.00.32), it has been locking up multiple times per day. As yet I have not been able to work out what is triggering the problem, but when it did it this morning as my PC was starting up, Windows 7 created a crash report. All the other times it has just been a lockup where the TCMD window stops responding and I have to get Windows to kill it. I have just updated to 12.00.35 x64 this morning and it has done two lockups since then.

Not reproducible here (or reported by anybody else thus far).

I cannot download your files; I get an error that the web site is not available.
I just checked my web server log file and someone has downloaded the two files from, starting at 10:42:40.10. So the web server is working. The downloads seemed succsessful, but were repeated starting at 11:01:44.20.

I could email them if you prefer that, and I have now put copies of the files on my alternate web server:


I was eventually able to download it (after many tries). Unfortunately, it's not going to be of much use, as the crash is in a Microsoft library (with no stack trace indicating how it got there).

If you can reproduce it, I'd have a better chance of tracking it down.
The lockup seems to happen often when I have been copying files to and from my USB stick, possibly after I have created or deleted directories. I am still working on pinning down the trigger, but I can be pretty sure that if I use my USB stick in the way I normally do, I will get a lockup at some point. So I can reproduce it, just not reproduce it at will.

Are there any options I can turn on that would get us the necessary trace information? When the lockup happens, I have to kill TCMD manually, so is there any information I should try to collect before I kill it?
The lockup seems to happen often when I have been copying files to and from my USB stick, possibly after I have created or deleted directories. I am still working on pinning down the trigger, but I can be pretty sure that if I use my USB stick in the way I normally do, I will get a lockup at some point. So I can reproduce it, just not reproduce it at will.

Are there any options I can turn on that would get us the necessary trace information? When the lockup happens, I have to kill TCMD manually, so is there any information I should try to collect before I kill it?

We've had one other (no longer reproducible) report of a hang when creating or deleting subdirectories, but that would normally result in hanging TCC, not TCMD. One thing to try is putting "AutoupdateFolders=NO" in your TCMD.INI (in the TCMD section), which will disable the TCMD Folder View autoupdate.
In the last three days, I have not had any lockups. So today I got a copy of the old TCMD12-64.INI file and compared it to the current one. I looks like when I made a couple of changes to the INI settings using the GUI, the rewritten file had more changes than what I actually did to it. And the new version seems to have fixed the problem. This is the result of the GNU diff command between the old and new INI files:

> AutoUpdateFolders=No
> CompletePercents=Yes
> IBeamCaret=No
> SmoothScroll=No
> StartTabWait=0
< ShowSysFiles=Yes
< ShowSuperHidden=Yes
> ShowSysFiles=No
> ShowSuperHidden=No
< Admin=0
< Title=
< RunAs=
< Password=
< Admin=0
< Title=
< RunAs=
< Password=
< Admin=0
< [Tab4]
< Title=
< Command=
< Directory=
< RunAs=
< Password=
< Admin=0
< [Tab5]
< Title=
< Command=
< Directory=
< RunAs=
< Password=
< Admin=0