[email protected]
As a regurlar user of TCMD 8.02 under Win XP sp3 I have it use the full screen. when i start TCMD12b27 byitself it only uses a small part of the screen. I have looked at the plugin CONSIZE and the standalone FSTOGGLE.EXE but I am drawing a blank. with FSToggle I don't get the borders and the font size is way off....
any help appreciated
As a regurlar user of TCMD 8.02 under Win XP sp3 I have it use the full screen. when i start TCMD12b27 byitself it only uses a small part of the screen. I have looked at the plugin CONSIZE and the standalone FSTOGGLE.EXE but I am drawing a blank. with FSToggle I don't get the borders and the font size is way off....
any help appreciated