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TCMD 8.02 .vs. 12b27 under XPsp3


As a regurlar user of TCMD 8.02 under Win XP sp3 I have it use the full screen. when i start TCMD12b27 byitself it only uses a small part of the screen. I have looked at the plugin CONSIZE and the standalone FSTOGGLE.EXE but I am drawing a blank. with FSToggle I don't get the borders and the font size is way off....

any help appreciated
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 21:57:16 -0400, [email protected] <>

|As a regurlar user of TCMD 8.02 under Win XP sp3 I have it use the full screen. when i start TCMD12b27 byitself it only uses a small part of the screen. I have looked at the plugin CONSIZE and the standalone FSTOGGLE.EXE but I am drawing a blank. with FSToggle I don't get the borders and the font size is way off....
|any help appreciated

Real full-screen mode? ... as in Alt-(KeyPad)-Enter? ... you never get borders
in (real) full-sreen mode. CONSIZE sizes the window (with borders and does
nothing to the font) and should let you make it as big as the desktop.

I'm not really understanding the problem.
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 21:57:16 -0400, [email protected] <>

|As a regurlar user of TCMD 8.02 under Win XP sp3 I have it use the full screen. when i start TCMD12b27 byitself it only uses a small part of the screen. I have looked at the plugin CONSIZE and the standalone FSTOGGLE.EXE but I am drawing a blank. with FSToggle I don't get the borders and the font size is way off....
|any help appreciated

If you want the **window** bigger, go to the console's properties and adjust the
buffer and window as desired ... tell Windows to save the settings for future

As a regurlar user of TCMD 8.02 under Win XP sp3 I have it use the full screen. when i start TCMD12b27 byitself it only uses a small part of the screen. I have looked at the plugin CONSIZE and the standalone FSTOGGLE.EXE but I am drawing a blank. with FSToggle I don't get the borders and the font size is way off....

any help appreciated

If you're talking about Take Command tab windows (and not TCC standalone windows), just drag the TCMD window to the size you want. It will be remembered for subsequent sessions.