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TCMD exiting with no GPF

TCC 15.01.56 x64 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 56 Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

I was using:
ffind /t"nodups" /s c:\tcmd\*.*

and then TCMD exited with no GPF; I assume it crashed on:
10/11/2013 4:24 2,772,745,669 all.txt

Here is what Memory reports:

60 % Memory load
4,196,941,824 bytes total physical RAM
1,647,091,712 bytes available physical RAM
8,391,974,912 bytes total page file
5,659,840,512 bytes available page file
8,796,092,891,136 bytes total virtual RAM
8,795,858,399,232 bytes available virtual RAM
262,144 characters total alias
262,143 characters free
131,072 characters total function
131,071 characters free
500,000 characters total history
This has happened to me repeatedly for the last 4 or 5 weeks. The TCC window closes for no apparent reason, with no error message -- it's just suddenly gone.

I'm also running Windows 7 x64. I haven't figured out any common scenario. Sometimes it dies when exiting my text editor, sometimes when exiting a script (either Rexx or btm), sometimes when I enter a command (such as dir), sometimes just hitting backspace to correct a command line typo.

At times I can work for 2 or 3 hours before the problem occurs, or occasionally I'll have it happen 2 or 3 times in a few minutes. I have no idea what's causing the problem, nor do I know how to find out.
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This has happened to me repeatedly for the last 4 or 5 weeks. The TCC window closes for no apparent reason, with no error message -- it's just suddenly gone.

Are you running TCC in a TCMD tab window or as a stand-alone console window?

If TCC is crashing, it pretty much has to create a GPF file (unless it crashes trying to create the GPF file, which usually means your stack memory is corrupted). If another app terminates TCC, or if the windows console session (conhost) crashes, or if you've got another app injecting its (crashing) code into TCC or conhost, you won't get a GPF file.
Are you running TCC in a TCMD tab window or as a stand-alone console window?

I always run TCC in a standalone window because I've never wanted to spend the time figuring out how to get my DOS text editor to run in a TCC tab, if it's even possible. Or, I should really say, run so I can see it. TCC runs the editor as a separate process in the same window, but in a tabbed window the editor runs in the background and can't be seen (or even closed without killing the TCC tab).

I was able to crash a tabbed window, however, and Windows reported that conhost had crashed. I can't be sure the same is happening in a standalone window. Those windows just suddenly close while I'm typing, as if I'd clicked on the "X". This is a recent phenomenon and I don't have even an inkling of what could be causing it. I don't think it's a TCC problem, but I can't live with it and I don't want to abandon TCC.
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I have finally figured out what caused my problem with the console window closing randomly.

I upgraded to the latest 64-bit version of Open Object Rexx (4.1.3) in late October. The console problem apparently began at that time. I uninstalled Rexx last Friday and then reinstalled the previous version (4.1.2) which I had used for a year with no problem. After reverting to the previous version, the console window is stable again.

I have no idea how Rexx was causing the problem, because the window closed randomly, but always when I was typing at the command prompt. Sometimes the console closed when I hit return after entering a built-in TCC command or called a BTM or Rexx script, but it also happened sometimes when I was backspacing over a typo. RXAPI is always running as a service, so maybe that's where the bug lies in the latest version.