- Oct
- 43
- 1
The help for TCTOOLBAR doesn't mention the new "Tooltip" feature.
Purpose: Change the Take Command tool bar buttons
Format: TCTOOLBAR [/C /I /R filename /U /W filename] tab button, flags, icon, label, title, directory, command
tab The label of the toolbar tab
button The button number (1 - 50)
flags 0=Start new tab, 1=Send to current tab, 2=Change Folders directory
icon Icon to display on button
label The button label
title The tab title (when starting new tabs)
directory The startup or Folders directory
command The command to execute or keystrokes to send
/C(lear) /U(pdate)
/I (reset toolbar) /W (save to file)
/R(ead file)
Purpose: Change the Take Command tool bar buttons
Format: TCTOOLBAR [/C /I /R filename /U /W filename] tab button, flags, icon, label, title, directory, command
tab The label of the toolbar tab
button The button number (1 - 50)
flags 0=Start new tab, 1=Send to current tab, 2=Change Folders directory
icon Icon to display on button
label The button label
title The tab title (when starting new tabs)
directory The startup or Folders directory
command The command to execute or keystrokes to send
/C(lear) /U(pdate)
/I (reset toolbar) /W (save to file)
/R(ead file)