Roedy Jun 127 2 2016-10-04 #1 TEE filters out BS characters when it echoes to the console. I don't think it should change the stream at all.
TEE filters out BS characters when it echoes to the console. I don't think it should change the stream at all.
Charles Dye Super Moderator May 5,358 163 Staff member 2016-10-04 #2 God, I would love a filter to remove... oh, wait. You mean backspace characters, right?
JohnQSmith Jan 617 15 2016-10-05 #3 Charles Dye said: God, I would love a filter to remove... oh, wait. You mean backspace characters, right? Click to expand... HA HA HA!!! My day is complete. Thanks.
Charles Dye said: God, I would love a filter to remove... oh, wait. You mean backspace characters, right? Click to expand... HA HA HA!!! My day is complete. Thanks.
Charles Dye Super Moderator May 5,358 163 Staff member 2016-10-05 #4 And Donald was never heard from again....
rconn Administrator May 13,642 253 Staff member 2016-10-05 #5 Roedy said: TEE filters out BS characters when it echoes to the console. I don't think it should change the stream at all. Click to expand... Not TCC; it's the Windows WriteConsole API that is doing that.
Roedy said: TEE filters out BS characters when it echoes to the console. I don't think it should change the stream at all. Click to expand... Not TCC; it's the Windows WriteConsole API that is doing that.