On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 14:24:31 -0600, rconn <> wrote:
>vefatica wrote:
>> Rex, once upon a time you went out of your way to ensure that the
>---End Quote---
> > JPSoft icon showed in 4NT's console. I think you eased up on that
> > and it had been working satisfactorily for quite a while. Now,
> > with 9.02.154, the icon reverts to the CMD icon after any subshell
> > ends. It's really annoying. Are you going to fix it?
>You requested that change in build 154.
I requested nothing. I made a vague (and untried) suggestion which might have
fixed another poster's problem with TSE's icon not returning after shelling to
and returning from TCC. If you tried it, it apparently didn't work; the OP's
problem remains and other things got worse.
I still think it should be each app's responsibility (not TCC's) to see to it
that its icon appears when it should. If I were him I'd be talking to the
author of TSE.
That said, I made another suggestion that does work in simple tests. In TCC it
would go something like this:
At startup
hIcon = GetConsoleIcon();
hOldIcon = DuplicateIcon(0, hIcon); // or CopyIcon(hIcon);
At shutdown
I don't know if it'll work in TCC but in a test app whatever icon is there at
startup returns when the app exits.
There's something to try. If you want a request then please go back to the way
bulid 153 did it.