The reporting format of TIME/S (when the system was successfully synchronized) matches neither the DIR/PDIR defaults, nor those specified in Windows "Regional and Language Options". How can I change the format?
TIME /S uses the default Windows time format for the current user, unless you've specified the /U option. (Exactly the same as TIME /C, or for that matter, TIME.)
Sorry, I was not specific enough. The issue is the DATE format, which is apparently the "default windows format", and not what is specified via "Regional and Language Options" of the current user, because that one shows "2012-01-03" as the "Short date" (which DIR uses), and "Tuesday, 2012. January 3." as the "Long Date", but TIME /S reports "System time updated to : Tue Jan 3, 2012 20:38:17" which is not a format I'd ever select.
Sorry, I was not specific enough. The issue is the DATE format, which is apparently the "default windows format", and not what is specified via "Regional and Language Options" of the current user, because that one shows "2012-01-03" as the "Short date" (which DIR uses), and "Tuesday, 2012. January 3." as the "Long Date", but TIME /S reports "System time updated to : Tue Jan 3, 2012 20:38:17" which is not a format I'd ever select.
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