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TIMER command

The help says (with the word "to" missing)
You can optionally specify a command for TIMER run. This is the equivalent of "timer on & command & timer off".
It's not quite that simple. If the command contains a pipe or redirection, then TIMER's output is piped or redirected, even if a command group is used.
v:\> timer ( echo foo > foo.txt )
v:\> type foo.txt
Timer 1 on: 12:17:15
Timer 1 off: 12:17:15  Elapsed: 0:00:00.00
And it would seem that the handling of a command group after TIMER leaves something to be desired.
v:\> ( echo foo | grep foo )
v:\> timer ( echo foo | grep foo )
grep: error: Cannot read file )

Backticks help.
v:\> timer `echo foo > foo.txt`
Timer 1 on: 12:28:04
Timer 1 off: 12:28:04  Elapsed: 0:00:00.00
v:\> type foo.txt
If that's the way it should be then the help should make it utterly clear.
It's not quite that simple. If the command contains a pipe or redirection, then TIMER's output is piped or redirected, even if a command group is used.

That's not a command group; that's an argument to a command that happens to include some meaningless parentheses and output redirection. If you want to have it treated like a command group, you have to protect the entire argument string with back quotes.

Only the conditional commands (DO, IF, IFF, and FOR) accept trailing command group arguments.
That's not a command group; that's an argument to a command that happens to include some meaningless parentheses and output redirection. If you want to have it treated like a command group, you have to protect the entire argument string with back quotes.

Only the conditional commands (DO, IF, IFF, and FOR) accept trailing command group arguments.
OK. I was expecting it to work like DO.
I don't **need** a command group. I only wanted the redirection/pipe to work correctly. That can be done by escaping the redirection/pipe character.