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Unexpected things happening with batch scripts

Unexpected things happening with batch scripts (from a CMD perspective)

I have finally moved to TCC/LE as my default shell. When I run batch scripts I get some different behaviour from CMD. I would like to stop them from happening.

First of all, del stdout is echoed, when it would not be in CMD. Can I stop this from happening? I know that about the /q switch and 2>nul, but I would rather use a global options that makes it act as CMD in this regard, so that I do not need to edit all my scripts just because of this.

On every scripts which I have used SetLocal, I get an error at the EndLocal line saying that there was no SetLocal, when there was. I have tried different capitalisation combinations, but it does not seem to realise that I have SetLocal. What is going on?

When running scripts I get erratic behaviour where the console clears, as though there has been a cls command. There does not seem to be a pattern to this happening. Why does this happen and can it be stopped?

When I have had screen clearing problems it has been from running a 16 bit app.

Sent from Cookie's iPhone
Jim Cook

On Apr 28, 2011, at 19:59, jason404 <> wrote:

> When I run batch scripts I get some different behaviour from CMD. I would like to stop them from happening.
> First of all, del operations are echoed, when they would not be in CMD. As I have @echo off before the del operations, I would not expect this to happen. Why does this happen and how can I stop it?
> On every scripts which I have used SetLocal, I get an error at the EndLocal line saying that there was no SetLocal, when there was. I have tried different capitalisation combinations, but it does not seem to realise that I have SetLocal.
> When running scripts I get erratic behaviour where the console clears, as though there has been a cls command. There does not seem to be a pattern to this happening. Can it be stopped?
> Thanks.
Re: Unexpected things happening with batch scripts (from a CMD perspective)

On every scripts which I have used SetLocal, I get an error at the EndLocal line saying that there was no SetLocal, when there was.

C:\Junk>type foo.btm



Suggest you post your btm.
Re: Unexpected things happening with batch scripts (from a CMD perspective)

I have finally moved to TCC/LE as my default shell. When I run batch scripts I get some different behaviour from CMD. I would like to stop them from happening.

First of all, del stdout is echoed, when it would not be in CMD. Can I stop this from happening? I know that about the /q switch and 2>nul, but I would rather use a global options that makes it act as CMD in this regard, so that I do not need to edit all my scripts just because of this.

This is a feature. If you don't want it, alias it out:

alias del=*del /q

On every scripts which I have used SetLocal, I get an error at the EndLocal line saying that there was no SetLocal, when there was. I have tried different capitalisation combinations, but it does not seem to realise that I have SetLocal. What is going on?

Impossible to say without seeing one of your scripts. (Capitalization is irrelevant.)

When running scripts I get erratic behaviour where the console clears, as though there has been a cls command. There does not seem to be a pattern to this happening. Why does this happen and can it be stopped?

The only time I've ever heard of something like this is if you have a CLS in your TCSTART and you're piping to a child process (which will run TCSTART again). TCC/LE will never clear the screen on its own.
Re: Unexpected things happening with batch scripts (from a CMD perspective)

Thanks for the answers. I'll get back with an example of the SetLocal problem once I come across it again.

But at the moment, I am wondering why this script works in the CMD, but not in TCC/LE:

@echo off

WMIC /? >nul 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 9009 (
goto :HOME
) ELSE (

for /f "usebackq tokens=1,* delims==" %%A in (`wmic os get Caption /format:list ^| findstr "^Caption="`) do (
set %%A=%%B
echo. & echo.%Caption%
goto :EOF

echo This is a Home version of Windows & echo.
goto :EOF


For some reason %Caption% is not being echoed or set.
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