JP Software Forums" <
[email protected]>; "K_Meinhard wrote:
| Take a look at
| . You can enable autostart for USB drives.
| Then a @full[%0] in e.g. TCCStart.btm should give you the current
| drive
| letter. You could parse that and take it from there.
Thank you and all the others. This is an aspect of JPsoft program operation
I had not had previous reason (nor opportunity) to try.
I have long been using "relative addressing" for my paths, using a
per-system "LOCAL.SET" file parsed by SET /R to set variables to critical
directories. I learned to do things this way when I had accounts on multiple
time-shared computers, and my "home" directory was not the same on any two
of them. I separated my batch programs into generic ones, and into ones
needed only on a single system. The ones only needed locally went into a
subdirectory LOCAL (nowadays I shortened it to LOC), all others into UTIL.
The way I see it the major problems with the usb-stick is that an absolute
path is needed to start it - unless you use autorun. Once you are past that
you probably need a quick-launch or desktop icon for repeated use, but you
don't want to leave it there when the stick is removed; though this is not
critical - the icons change to an "unreachable program" icon whenever the
desktop is refreshed and the stick is not ready. To create these icons you
probably need to run a TCC batch file, which creates them with absolute
paths. I think the best place to do this is the batch program started in