I have used oh-my-posh with powershell and bash for some time now and I quite like it. However, oh-my-posh did not work with TCC...
Well, it does now - mostly...
My initial inspiration came from this posting. Here I found the overall framework needed to get an oh-my-posh prompt converted to something TCC can use. As in the posting I refer to, I use a library function to create the prompt string:
And in tcstart.btm it is then loaded as follows:
There are a few gotchas:
Well, it does now - mostly...
My initial inspiration came from this posting. Here I found the overall framework needed to get an oh-my-posh prompt converted to something TCC can use. As in the posting I refer to, I use a library function to create the prompt string:
BuildPrompt {
:: Do not disturb
@echo off
:: Save parameters
set theme=%1
set appendspace=%2
;; The TCC (and cmd.exe) PROMPT command does not allow for multiple lines in a prompt string.
:: So we collect the output from oh-my-posh in an array.
setarray /f promptlines[ %LINESNUM ]
echo %@execarray[ promptlines, oh-my-posh.exe --shell universal --config %theme ] >& nul
:: For some reason the first line is empty. Se we need a mechanism to skip empty lines
set skiplines=1
:: Process the lines to build a prompt string for TCC
do index = 0 to %LINESNUM
iff %skiplines then
iff "%promptlines[ %index ]" == "" then
:: Discard empty line(s)
:: No more skipping lines
set skiplines=0
:: Add first line to prompt string
set promptstr=%promptlines[ %index ]
iff "%promptlines[ %index ]" == "" then
:: Exit loop when we encounter the first empty line
:: Append the next line to the prompt string separated by a newline $ sequence ($_)
set promptstr=%promptstr%$_%promptlines[ %index ]
:: It seems that arrays are not destroyed automatically by endlocal so a bit of explicit cleanup
:: is needed.
unsetarray promptlines
iff defined appendspace then
:: Present the result to the world with an extra trailing space
echo %promptstr%$s
:: Present the result to the world as is
echo %promptstr
And in tcstart.btm it is then loaded as follows:
:: Load library that converts the oh-my-posh prompt to TCC/CMD prompt style
library /u /r path-to-library\library-file-name
:: Check theme for having a a final space character
set appendspace=%@execstr[find /i "final_space" path-to-themes\your-favorite-theme.omp.json | find /i /c "true"]
:: Set the prompt string
prompt %%@execstr[BuildPrompt path-to-themes\your-favorite-theme.omp.json %appendspace ]
:: Clean up
unset appendspace
There are a few gotchas:
- It seems that %@execarray discards trailing spaces in the lines it collects. So even if your oh-my-posh theme defines that the prompt must end with a space ("final_space": true) that space will not make it to the TCC prompt string. Hence the line:
Code:set appendspace=%@execstr[find /i "final_space" path-to-themes\your-favorite-theme.omp.json | find /i /c "true"]
which checks whether a final space should be added.
- If you use a prompt that requires nerd fonts, the codepage must support those. The following addition to tcstart.btm takes care of that:
Code::: Make sure the code page supports nerd fonts used with oh-my-posh iff not %_CODEPAGE==65001 then chcp 65001 >& nul endiff
- Also, the exit segment in oh-my-posh does not work in TCC. Oh-my-posh retrieves the Windows variable lastErrorCode but I have not found a way to set this such that it is anything but 0 in TCC.