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SignUp Now!I still use the InkUtils with 4DOS, which includes description editor.
I thought that Klaus Meinhard had a BTM file on his site for editing file descriptions, but I could not locate it.
alias XX=`( select /1 /z /a:-d describe (*) ) && XX`
for /a:-d %x in (*) describe "%X" /D"%@verinfo[%x,FileDescription]"
@echo off
:: Width reserved for showing filenames
set WIDTH=40
:: For every file: show first %WIDT% characters of filename, ":" (we need this later on), description
:: Select the file whose description you want to edit
for /a:-d %x in (*) echo %@left[%WIDTH%,%x%@repeat[ ,%WIDTH%]] : %@descript["%x"] |! set THIS=%@word[":",0,%@select[con:,1,1,100,100,Titel]]
if "%THIS%" == "" quit
set THIS="%THIS%"
:: If The filename is too long to fit on the screen,
:: we have to find out what it is /what they are (hence %THIS%*)
:: Add 2 to the length for the quotes
IF %@LEN[%THIS%] == %@eval[%WIDTH% + 2] set THIS=%@expand[%THIS%*]
:: In case of multiple files: Show warning and edit the description of all of them
IF %@words[" ",%THIS%] GT 1 MSGBOX /W OK "Warning" Multiple files match this pattern ..
for %%x in (%THIS%) DO (
:: Get current description, ask for new and update
set NEW=%@descript[%%x]
querybox /E %%x Description : %%NEW
unset NEW
unset THIS
goto :START
On using 'v' file-manager as a description editor.
... a lot of useful things, including:
1. You have to fix the RT200 error on it. This means there are more cycles per tick, and the cycle counter overflows. The fix is a proggie that hunts down a borland pascal module in the program, and puts an updated version of the same in it.
Wow, that is some serious research!
Do you know where one can find this RT200 fix program? Internet gave me quite some links, but I do not have the knowledge/wisdom to pick the right one.
If you are feeling really adventurous, ...