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v11 SDK (2009-10-26) missing TakeCommandIPC

From the "What's new" help:

DLLExports int TakeCommandIPC( LPTSTR pszCommand, LPTSTR pszArguments );

And yet, this function is not in TakeCommand.h from the SDK (dated 2009-10-26) I downloaded today :-(

Is the SDK incorrect?

From the "What's new" help:

DLLExports int TakeCommandIPC( LPTSTR pszCommand, LPTSTR pszArguments );

And yet, this function is not in TakeCommand.h from the SDK (dated 2009-10-26) I downloaded today :-(

I never saw a response to this, and I note that the current SDK does not include any of the new functions documented in the TC11 "What's new" - DirHistoryStart, HistoryStart, DeleteFromHistory, Help, TakeCommandIPC.

Is there likely to be an updated SDK rectifying this in the near future?
> ---Quote (Originally by p.f.moore)---
> From the "What's new" help:
> DLLExports int TakeCommandIPC( LPTSTR pszCommand, LPTSTR pszArguments
> );
> And yet, this function is not in TakeCommand.h from the SDK (dated
> 2009-10-26) I downloaded today :-(
> ---End Quote---
> I never saw a response to this, and I note that the current SDK does
> not include *any* of the new functions documented in the TC11 "What's
> new" - DirHistoryStart, HistoryStart, DeleteFromHistory, Help,
> TakeCommandIPC.
> Is there likely to be an updated SDK rectifying this in the near
> future?

There is no "Help" function; that's (optionally) implemented in plugins, not

Since the other functions are (more thoroughly) documented in the help,
there's no compelling reason to download the latest SDK. But if you're
anxious for it, it's in the ftp beta directory.

Rex Conn
JP Software
[FOX] Ultimate Translator