I tried installing both v24 and v25 on a Windows 2012 Server - v24 works fine and v25 hangs.
Next I tried copying the ipworks16.dll into v25 but having the same hang-result when I query the %_ipdnsserver variable.
Update 1: If I start by opening a web page in TCC/TCMD (i.e. by typing "https :// jpsoft.com" (without spaces) and hitting enter), I can query the %_ipdns and %_ipdnsserver afterwards (but if I start a new TCC/TCMD I have to open a web page first in order to successfully query the variables).
Update 2: If I run "wmiquery a b" (which, of course, returns an error), it works afterwards as well.
I know - it makes no sense :)
Update 3: My solution for now is to place
set dummyValue=%@wmi[root\cimv2,"SELECT name FROM Win32_Processor"]
in top of my 4start.btm script - that allows me to query the variables.