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VIEW in 13.00.16


ver produces;

TCC  13.00.16   Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 16   Windows XP Build 2600  Service Pack 3
which view produces;

view is an internal command
When I type;

view myfile.txt
no view window appears, just the prompt.

If I type;

the file selection dialog appears, and I select myfile.txt

No view window appears, just the prompt.

I have re-started my system, then TCMD13, and same results.

This was working fine before I updated to 13.00.16

On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 19:45:42 -0400, Joe Caverly <> wrote:

|view myfile.txt
|no view window appears, just the prompt.

Yeah. I can't get V to show its face with the VIEW command either. Even VIEW,
alone, after the open_file dialog, gives nothing; the same for piping to VIEW.
On mine, V.EXE wasn't installed for some reason (after running the updater). I downloaded the standalone installer from the FTP site, did a repair, and now it's working for me.
When I type;

view myfile.txt
no view window appears, just the prompt.

If I type;

the file selection dialog appears, and I select myfile.txt

No view window appears, just the prompt.

I have re-started my system, then TCMD13, and same results.

This was working fine before I updated to 13.00.16

Not reproducible here.

Did you have a VIEW window open when you updated? Or do you have TCMD installed on a removable drive?
Not reproducible here.

Did you have a VIEW window open when you updated? Or do you have TCMD installed on a removable drive?

No view window was open when I updated.

TCMD13 is installed on my C: drive, under C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD13

I did a directory of C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD13, and I do not see any V.EXE, which I thought was there before. I do have a V.CHM.

When I did this update, it said it was going to un-install my previous version, being 13, of TCMD, and then install the update.

I did the update with;

option /u
On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 20:26:56 -0400, Joe Caverly <> wrote:

|I did the update with;
|option /u

That's my story too. I'm certain no TCC was running. Any V that was running
would have had to be a zombie several days old and I'm nearly certain that's not
the case. OPTION /U installed no V.EXE at all. Manually DL'ing beta\TCMD.EXE
and reparing fixed it.

Am I now going to have trouble becaused I repaired from a different file than
the one used to install?
On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 23:13:54 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|---Quote (Originally by vefatica)---
|Yeah. I can't get V to show its face with the VIEW command either. Even VIEW, alone, after the open_file dialog, gives nothing; the same for piping to VIEW.
|---End Quote---
|What build were you updating from?

Whatever was the previous one, 15 I guess.
I just did an

option /u
and have updated to

TCC  13.00.17   Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 17   Windows XP Build 2600  Service Pack 3
The v.exe file is back, and view is working again.

