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What happens on Your machines with

this command:
     copy www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/w8ben.pdf

If You try it, please be sure to do that in a place where no important files are stored
%temp% for example :smile:
Works for me, provided I give a valid URL:
copy http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw8ben.pdf
That's peculiar!
v:\empty> copy www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/w8ben.pdf
TCC: (Sys) The parameter is incorrect.
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
Delete V:\empty\* (Y/N/A/R)? N
Delete V:\empty\* (Y/N/A/R)? N
Delete V:\empty\* (Y/N/A/R)? N
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
  0 files copied
Two problems:

1) Your syntax is incorrect; you have to quote filenames with embedded /'s.
2) You need to include the "http://" at the beginning of the URL.

Thats fine, Rex :cigar:
but why do TCC ( and 4NT also !!) try to clean the complete Directory ?
The effect was "very hard" to me, because I startet it in the JPSOFT\TCMD Directory !
It let back only the files which are current in access, so I must reinstall TCMD (which was no work, of course :joyful:)
But now the F1/Ctrl-F1 in TCC/TCMD does not work anymore, somtimes it let crash TCC/TCMD!
The CHM-Help file itself start and work without any Problem.
Because you passed a lot of (unintended) switches, including /W (one-way-sync). A / is a switch character, unless you either (1) double-quote it, or (2) set the Unix paths option.

Or if it's part of a URL -- but it must begin with a protocol for TCC to recognize it as such.
Because you passed a lot of (unintended) switches, including /W (one-way-sync).
Yes, that makes sense !
A / is a switch character, unless you either (1) double-quote it, or (2) set the Unix paths option.
Now I understand the desaster that I've done :bawling:

But the Problem with the F1/Ctrl-F1 key is still present.
Typing "copy" and pressing F1 will start the help, but let crashes TCC.
What can I do, to repair it ?

Many thanks to all for Your attention.
Rex, once upon a time, when users combined switches, as in "dir /km", you used to threaten to require that they be separated, as in "dir /k/m", or even "dir /k /m". What ever happened to that idea?
Rex, once upon a time, when users combined switches, as in "dir /km", you used to threaten to require that they be separated, as in "dir /k/m", or even "dir /k /m". What ever happened to that idea?

I gave up, as the user base steadfastly refused to separate the options. Or even separate them from the commands. Now, I'm reduced to saying "I told you so" when they shoot off their foot.
Yes, that makes sense !

Now I understand the desaster that I've done :bawling:

But the Problem with the F1/Ctrl-F1 key is still present.
Typing "copy" and pressing F1 will start the help, but let crashes TCC.
What can I do, to repair it ?

If you're getting a crash inside TCC, please send me the log file.

But the help is a Microsoft app. TCC just passes the name of the TCMD.CHM file to hh.exe (part of Internet Explorer).
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