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Win 7 freeze on DVD full

Surprising this will hang Win 7, if the DVD is too full. You can't kill TCC. The task manager just restarts TCC. I had to reboot. The rest of Win 7 is alive, you just can't get rid of TCC.

loadmedia V:
rem format with UDF 2.5
format V: /FS:UDF /R:2.50 /V:%date
if errorlevel 1 pause format failed

rem turn off treating Descript.ion files as special
setdos /D0
copy /s G:\bks\*.* V:\bks\
if errorlevel 1 pause fail to copy bks

copy /s G:\dl\*.* V:\dl\
if errorlevel 1 pause fail to copy dl

This is probably not your problem, but I thought you might like to be aware of it.

I have often thought copy should be clever and fail fast if there is not sufficient room.
Not much I can do about it -- Windows is hung inside the CopyFileEx API.

the way out was to use Express Burn which creates an ISO image on disk before it starts touching the DVD. It is much faster. Win 7 is an order of magnitde at least slower than Vista with a command COPY.
On 2009-12-31 03:41, Roedy wrote:

> Win 7 is an order of magnitde at least slower than Vista with a command COPY.

I thought I'd read in the glossy marketing materials that Win7 was the 'lean' and 'optimized' version of Vista? :)
On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 10:11:25 -0600, dim <> was
claimed to have wrote:

>On 2009-12-31 03:41, Roedy wrote:
>> Win 7 is an order of magnitde at least slower than Vista with a command COPY.
>---End Quote---
>I thought I'd read in the glossy marketing materials that Win7 was the 'lean' and 'optimized' version of Vista? :)

It is, and if you benchmark it, including dumping the cache, file
copying is within 1% of the same speed on Vista RTM, Vista SP1 and W7.

The differences are only where the various OSes (Vista RTM, SP1 and W7
all behave differently) claim the copy is finished, whether the copy is
finished once it's fully read (The XP and Vista SP1 approach) or written
(The Vista RTM, and in some cases W7 approach)

How the GUI indicates file copy status very differently as well,
drastically altering perception (namely, Vista RTM showed what
percentage of the file was read, not written (meaning you hung at 100%
for several seconds on large files) and didn't show any status at all
during the first few seconds despite the file actually being copied.

>From a command line point of view, I'm hitting my RAID card's limits
around the 1400Mb/s range in Vista RTM or SP1, or W7.

The above not withstanding, if you don't have ACHI configured properly,
or are comparing Vista using manufacturer supplied drivers vs W7 using
native drivers, you'll probably see W7 being a low slower.