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ZIP: howto store directory in the zip-file

I have a directory where I store my means for work in subdirectories again.
Now I want to zip some of these old subdirs in one zip-file.
But I can't find a switch/option to store them with its directory name like in 7zip.

R:\robocopy >zip /a old_stuff.zip 20111108_amd-hd5\*.*
<= R:\robocopy\20111108_amd-hd5\filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx
<= R:\robocopy\20111108_amd-hd5\amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
<= R:\robocopy\20111108_amd-hd5\robocopy-amd-hd5.btm

R:\robocopy >zip /v old_stuff.zip
2011-08-07 20:47 13,186 21% filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx
2011-10-08 20:54 1,296 64% amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
2011-10-08 18:15 9,026 65% robocopy-amd-hd5.btm

R:\robocopy >
R:\robocopy >7za a old_stuff.7z 20111108_amd-hd5\*.*

7-Zip (A) 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18

Creating archive old_stuff.7z

Compressing 20111108_amd-hd5\robocopy-amd-hd5.btm
Compressing 20111108_amd-hd5\amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
Compressing 20111108_amd-hd5\filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx

Everything is Ok

R:\robocopy >7za l old_stuff.7z

7-Zip (A) 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18

Listing archive: old_stuff.7z

Path = old_stuff.7z
Type = 7z
Method = LZMA
Solid = +
Blocks = 1
Physical Size = 13989
Headers Size = 269

Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
2011-10-08 18:15:51 ....A 9026 13720 20111108_amd-hd5\robocopy-amd-hd5.btm
2011-10-08 20:54:43 ....A 1296 20111108_amd-hd5\amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
2011-08-07 20:47:33 ....A 13186 20111108_amd-hd5\filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
23508 13720 3 files, 0 folders
Doesn't /R ("recurse") work? BTW, 7z is capable of better overall compression than ZIP if you have it archive all files as a unit (IIRC "block mode").
But I can't find a switch/option to store them with its directory name like in 7zip.
You need to use the "/r" switch, however you need to work a directory above the directory name you actually want to save.

So for your amd-hd5 folder you'd need a structure like
12:08:02 $ tree /a /f
  +  amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
  +  filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx
  \  robocopy-amd-hd5.btm
and then (as seen in my example) run the zip command from z:\
12:09:41 $ zip /r old_stuff.zip temp\*.*
<= Z:\temp\20111108_amd-h5\*
12:10:16 $ zip /v old_stuff.zip
2013-01-22  12:06             1 100%  20111108_amd-h5\
2013-01-22  12:06            13 -15%  20111108_amd-h5\amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
2013-01-22  12:06            13 -15%  20111108_amd-h5\filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx
2013-01-22  12:06            13 -15%  20111108_amd-h5\robocopy-amd-hd5.btm
You need to use the "/r" switch, however you need to work a directory above the directory name you actually want to save.
Thank you for the advice (honestly). I know there is the /R switch. But what if my work-dirs would be settled directly unter the root dir?
OK, I recall my last post.
This example does what I want. Let's say I backup my switch-configs every friday and want to store them from time to time in a zip-file:
V:\ >tree /f /a
|  +  switch1.cfg
|  +  switch2.cfg
|  +  switch3.cfg
|  \  switchx.cfg
|  +  switch1.cfg
|  +  switch2.cfg
|  +  switch3.cfg
|  \  switchx.cfg
  +  switch1.cfg
  +  switch2.cfg
  +  switch3.cfg
  \  switchx.cfg
V:\ >zip /r /a configs v:\*.*
<= V:\2013-01-04\*
<= V:\2013-01-11\*
<= V:\2013-01-18\*
V:\ >zip /v configs.zip
2013-01-22  19:37              1 100%  2013-01-04\
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-04\switch1.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-04\switch2.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-04\switch3.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-04\switchx.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              1 100%  2013-01-11\
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-11\switch1.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-11\switch2.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-11\switch3.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-11\switchx.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              1 100%  2013-01-18\
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-18\switch1.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-18\switch2.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-18\switch3.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-18\switchx.cfg
But that's not the same and a little bit more difficult as the 7zip behavior.

And if I specify explicit one directory I get the same trouble:

V:\ >zip /r /a configs v:\2013-01-04\*.*
<= V:\2013-01-04\switch1.cfg
<= V:\2013-01-04\switch2.cfg
<= V:\2013-01-04\switch3.cfg
<= V:\2013-01-04\switchx.cfg
V:\ >zip /v configs.zip
2013-01-22  19:37              1 100%  2013-01-04\
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-04\switch1.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-04\switch2.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-04\switch3.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-04\switchx.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              1 100%  2013-01-11\
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-11\switch1.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-11\switch2.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-11\switch3.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-11\switchx.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              1 100%  2013-01-18\
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-18\switch1.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-18\switch2.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-18\switch3.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  2013-01-18\switchx.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  switch1.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  switch2.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  switch3.cfg
2013-01-22  19:37              2 -100%  switchx.cfg
You need to use the "/r" switch, however you need to work a directory above the directory name you actually want to save.

... which means you cannot start the archiving in the ROOT directory, hence you cannot archive a WHOLE drive! This may not seem like a major restriction for a terabyte drive, but it sure is for most pocket drives...
Assuming it's a strange anomaly in 7Zip, and as I don't have 7Zip, but couldn't you use: Z: 7zip ..\etc .. ?

I just tried: C:dir , C:dir \. & C:dir \.. ... all showed the same,
... which means you cannot start the archiving in the ROOT directory, hence you cannot archive a WHOLE drive! This may not seem like a major restriction for a terabyte drive, but it sure is for most pocket drives...
Well, I was wrong... This command works to create c.zip in _CWD and starts to compress all files on C:
zip /a:-j-h-s /i /l6 /p /r c.zip C:\*

1/ Once it enters the subdirectory C:\Documents and Settings it seems to die
2/ The report by UNZIP /V of an empty (0-byte) file displays 1 byte, and compression of -100%
Assuming it's a strange anomaly in 7Zip ...
I think it is no "strange anomaly", e.g. RAR works this way, too.
V:\ >rar a old_stuff 2013-01-04\*.*
RAR Deutsche Version 3.20 beta 4      (c) 1993-2003 Eugene Roshal        21.Apr.2003
Shareware Version              Geben Sie RAR -? für Hilfe ein.
Unregistrierte Version. Bitte lassen Sie sich registieren
Erstelle Archiv old_stuff.rar
Archiviere 2013-01-04\switch1.cfg                                     OK
Archiviere 2013-01-04\switch2.cfg                                     OK
Archiviere 2013-01-04\switch3.cfg                                     OK
Archiviere 2013-01-04\switchx.cfg                                     OK
V:\ >rar v old_stuff
RAR Deutsche Version 3.20 beta 4      (c) 1993-2003 Eugene Roshal        21.Apr.2003
Shareware Version              Geben Sie RAR -? für Hilfe ein.
Archiv old_stuff.rar
                Größe  Gepak. Verh.  Datum  Zeit    Attr      CRC  Meth Ver
                    2        2 100% 22-01-13 19:37  .....A  14A285AC m0b 2.9
                    2        2 100% 22-01-13 19:37  .....A  14A285AC m0b 2.9
                    2        2 100% 22-01-13 19:37  .....A  14A285AC m0b 2.9
                    2        2 100% 22-01-13 19:37  .....A  14A285AC m0b 2.9
    4                8        8 100%
Using the current built in ZIP, you won't be able to store the path names unless you drop your working directories into a subdirectory and continue working from the parent.

Going back to your original 7zip example, why don't you just change this...
R:\robocopy >7za a old_stuff.7z 20111108_amd-hd5\*.*

7-Zip (A) 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18

Creating archive old_stuff.7z

Compressing 20111108_amd-hd5\robocopy-amd-hd5.btm
Compressing 20111108_amd-hd5\amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
Compressing 20111108_amd-hd5\filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx

Everything is Ok
... to this ...
13:50:38 $ 7z a old_stuff.zip 20111108_amd-hd5
7-Zip 9.22 beta  Copyright (c) 1999-2011 Igor Pavlov  2011-04-18
Creating archive old_stuff.zip
Compressing  20111108_amd-hd5\amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
Compressing  20111108_amd-hd5\filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx
Compressing  20111108_amd-hd5\robocopy-amd-hd5.btm
Everything is Ok
13:50:44 $ zip /v old_stuff.zip
2013-01-22  13:48              1 100%  20111108_amd-hd5\
2013-01-22  13:48             13   0%  20111108_amd-hd5\amd-hd5_20111008191729.log
2013-01-22  13:48             13   0%  20111108_amd-hd5\filer-commands_amd-diverse.xlsx
2013-01-22  13:48             13   0%  20111108_amd-hd5\robocopy-amd-hd5.btm

Edit: Actually, that looks better than using the built in ZIP... the compression percentages aren't screwed up when using 7zip like they are when using the built in ZIP.
I like 7zip and use it on machines where I don't have a licensed copy of take command.
But the main disadvantage of 7zip is, that it doesn't have a MOVE option. You can only add files.
And actually I want to clean up my directories and not to double them ;)

I just want a new zip-option to add files with it's "superordinate" directory.
it doesn't have a MOVE option.
Wow. I never noticed that before. I just looked through the docs and there is no mention of "move"ing files. There's updates and other such, but no "move". How 'bout that?!

Have you looked at Info-ZIP? It has a move, handles directories without problems, and doesn't screw up the compression percentages.
Have you looked at Info-ZIP? It has a move, handles directories without problems, and doesn't screw up the compression percentages.
I'm not shure if this is what I want. On the first glance: yet an additional tool, pretty old, 2 programs for zip/unzip, needs its DLLs and so on.
Thanks anyway.
I'm not shure if this is what I want. On the first glance: yet an additional tool, pretty old, 2 programs for zip/unzip, needs its DLLs and so on.
Thanks anyway.
InfoZip works well. I have used it for years. My version is stand-alone. [And ZIP technology itself if pretty old!]
And it's not all that old.
u:\> zip.exe
Copyright (c) 1990-2008 Info-ZIP - Type 'zip "-L"' for software license.
Zip 3.0 (July 5th 2008). Usage:
zip [-options] [-b path] [-t mmddyyyy] [-n suffixes] [zipfile list] [-xi list]
  The default action is to add or replace zipfile entries from list, which
  can include the special name - to compress standard input.
  If zipfile and list are omitted, zip compresses stdin to stdout.
  -f  freshen: only changed files  -u  update: only changed or new files
  -d  delete entries in zipfile    -m  move into zipfile (delete OS files)
  -r  recurse into directories    -j  junk (don't record) directory names
  -0  store only                  -l  convert LF to CR LF (-ll CR LF to LF)
  -1  compress faster              -9  compress better
  -q  quiet operation              -v  verbose operation/print version info
  -c  add one-line comments        -z  add zipfile comment
  -@  read names from stdin        -o  make zipfile as old as latest entry
  -x  exclude the following names  -i  include only the following names
  -F  fix zipfile (-FF try harder) -D  do not add directory entries
  -A  adjust self-extracting exe  -J  junk zipfile prefix (unzipsfx)
  -T  test zipfile integrity      -X  eXclude eXtra file attributes
  -!  use privileges (if granted) to obtain all aspects of WinNT security
  -$  include volume label        -S  include system and hidden files
  -e  encrypt                      -n  don't compress these suffixes
  -h2  show more help
There is also PKZip Command Line for windows. They have several different versions too. Even SecureZip. I am a few versions old but it does have:

PKZIP(R)  Version 8.10  ZIP Compression Utility for Windows
Copyright (C) 1989-2005 PKWARE, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. Registered Version
PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.  Patent No. 5,051,745
Patent Pending
Usage: PKZIPC [command] [options] zipfile [@list] [files...]
  View .zip file contents: PKZIPC zipfile
  Create a .zip file:      PKZIPC -add zipfile file(s)...
  Extract files from .zip: PKZIPC -extract zipfile
The above usages are only basic examples of PKZIP's capability.
Press any key to continue or <Esc> to exit
  PKZIP Commands:
Add                Encode              Help                MailTo
Comment            EnterLicenseKey    License            Print
Configuration      Extract            ListCertificates    Sfx
Console            Fix                ListCryptAlgorithms Test
Default            FTP                ListFile            Version
Delete              Header              ListSfxTypes        View
Enter 'C' to list Commands, or 'O' to list Options
Enter the command or option for additional help, <Esc> to exit
Command/Option? o
  PKZIP Options:
204            Directories      Log          Newer              SfxDirectories
After          Embedded          LogError      NoArchiveExtension SfxLogfile
AltConfig      Encode            LogOptions    NoExtended        SfxOverwrite
ArchiveDate    Error            Lowercase    NoFix              SfxUIType
ArchiveType    Exclude          MailBCC      Normal            Shortname
ASCII          Fast              MailBody      NoSmartCard        Sign
Attributes    FTP              MailCC        Older              Silent
AVArgs        Hash              MailFrom      OptionChar        Smaller
AVScan        Header            MailOptions  Overwrite          SnmpTrapHost
Before        Include          MailReplyTo  Password          Sort
Binary        JobID            MailServer    Path              Span
BUCC          KeyFile          MailSubject  Permission        Speed
BZIP2          KeyPassphrase    MailTo        Preview            Store
CD            Larger            Mask          Priority          Temp
Certificate    LDAP              Maximum      Recipient          Times
Comment        Level            More          Recurse            Translate
CryptAlgorithm ListChar          Move          RunAfter          Warning
DCLImplode    ListFile          MoveArchive  Sfx                Wipe
Deflate64      Locale            NameSfx      SfxDestination
Enter 'C' to list Commands, or 'O' to list Options
Enter the command or option for additional help, <Esc> to exit

PKZIpc -add -max -move -dir <ZipfileName> <PathtoZip>

The -dir switch implies recurse and path storage.
Yesterday I must have caught a weird version of info-zip. Now I obviously downloaded the version that you use.
And I have to admit: It has many functions and does what I expect: preserve the directory in the zip-file when I zip a directory.
Glad to hear it. Very handy program. Doesn't come close to RAR when it comes to command line switches, but more than enough to get the job done. (here's RAR command line for comparison to vefatica's message above)
14:24:39 $ rar
RAR 4.20   Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Alexander Roshal   9 Jun 2012
Registered to **** ******
Usage:     rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
               <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>
  a             Add files to archive
  c             Add archive comment
  cf            Add files comment
  ch            Change archive parameters
  cw            Write archive comment to file
  d             Delete files from archive
  e             Extract files to current directory
  f             Freshen files in archive
  i[par]=<str>  Find string in archives
  k             Lock archive
  l[t,b]        List archive [technical, bare]
  m[f]          Move to archive [files only]
  p             Print file to stdout
  r             Repair archive
  rc            Reconstruct missing volumes
  rn            Rename archived files
  rr[N]         Add data recovery record
  rv[N]         Create recovery volumes
  s[name|-]     Convert archive to or from SFX
  t             Test archive files
  u             Update files in archive
  v[t,b]        Verbosely list archive [technical,bare]
  x             Extract files with full path
  -             Stop switches scanning
  @[+]          Disable [enable] file lists
  ac            Clear Archive attribute after compression or extraction
  ad            Append archive name to destination path
  ag[format]    Generate archive name using the current date
  ai            Ignore file attributes
  ao            Add files with Archive attribute set
  ap<path>      Set path inside archive
  as            Synchronize archive contents
  av            Put authenticity verification (registered versions only)
  av-           Disable authenticity verification check
  c-            Disable comments show
  cfg-          Disable read configuration
  cl            Convert names to lower case
  cu            Convert names to upper case
  df            Delete files after archiving
  dh            Open shared files
  dr            Delete files to Recycle Bin
  ds            Disable name sort for solid archive
  dw            Wipe files after archiving
  e[+]<attr>    Set file exclude and include attributes
  ed            Do not add empty directories
  en            Do not put 'end of archive' block
  ep            Exclude paths from names
  ep1           Exclude base directory from names
  ep2           Expand paths to full
  ep3           Expand paths to full including the drive letter
  f             Freshen files
  hp[password]  Encrypt both file data and headers
  id[c,d,p,q]   Disable messages
  ieml[addr]    Send archive by email
  ierr          Send all messages to stderr
  ilog[name]    Log errors to file (registered versions only)
  inul          Disable all messages
  ioff          Turn PC off after completing an operation
  isnd          Enable sound
  k             Lock archive
  kb            Keep broken extracted files
  log[f][=name] Write names to log file
  m<0..5>       Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)
  mc<par>       Set advanced compression parameters
  md<size>      Dictionary size in KB (64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 or A-G)
  ms[ext;ext]   Specify file types to store
  mt<threads>   Set the number of threads
  n<file>       Include only specified file
  n@            Read file names to include from stdin
  n@<list>      Include files listed in specified list file
  o[+|-]        Set the overwrite mode
  oc            Set NTFS Compressed attribute
  or            Rename files automatically
  os            Save NTFS streams
  ow            Save or restore file owner and group
  p[password]   Set password
  p-            Do not query password
  r             Recurse subdirectories
  r-            Disable recursion
  r0            Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only
  ri<P>[:<S>]   Set priority (0-default,1-min..15-max) and sleep time in ms
  rr[N]         Add data recovery record
  rv[N]         Create recovery volumes
  s[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archive
  s-            Disable solid archiving
  sc<chr>[obj]  Specify the character set
  sfx[name]     Create SFX archive
  si[name]      Read data from standard input (stdin)
  sl<size>      Process files with size less than specified
  sm<size>      Process files with size more than specified
  t             Test files after archiving
  ta<date>      Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  tb<date>      Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  tk            Keep original archive time
  tl            Set archive time to latest file
  tn<time>      Process files newer than <time>
  to<time>      Process files older than <time>
  ts<m,c,a>[N]  Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access)
  u             Update files
  v             Create volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes
  v<size>[k,b]  Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]
  vd            Erase disk contents before creating volume
  ver[n]        File version control
  vn            Use the old style volume naming scheme
  vp            Pause before each volume
  w<path>       Assign work directory
  x<file>       Exclude specified file
  x@            Read file names to exclude from stdin
  x@<list>      Exclude files listed in specified list file
  y             Assume Yes on all queries
  z[file]       Read archive comment from file
Unfortunatelly it's not easy in our company to buy multi-system licenses. I can't say "hey - I need a TakeCommand license for all my systems" or "WinRAR for all my servers" ...
In the opposite it's easier to buy the big, fat and really expensive ones.
So I allways try to use free software. And nowadays there are many communities or enthusiasts who develop cool software for a low price...
I'm not happy with this situation, but that's the status quo.
So, apparently InfoZip has more features than I originally thought. Try the following command for the "extended help"...
infozip -h2
So, apparently InfoZip has more features than I originally thought. Try the following command for the "extended help"...
infozip -h2
Thanks, I already became fond of info-zip :) and incorporated it in some production scripts.
Thereby I found out that all my oracle installations also use info-zip!