Purpose:Draw a box on the screen


Format:DRAWBOX ulrow ulcol lrrow lrcol style [BRIght] fg ON [BRIght] bg [FILL [BRIght] bgfill] [ZOOm] [SHAdow]


ulrowRow for upper left corner
ulcolColumn for upper left corner
lrrowRow for lower right corner
lrcolColumn for lower right corner
styleBox drawing style:
0No lines (box is drawn with blanks)
1Single line
2Double line
3Single line on top and bottom, double on sides
4Double line on top and bottom, single on sides
fgForeground character color
bgBackground character color
bgfillBackground fill color (for the inside of the box)






DRAWBOX is useful for creating attractive screen displays in batch files.


See Colors and Color Names for details about colors.


If you use ZOOM, the box appears to grow in steps to its final size. The speed of the zoom operation depends on the speed of your computer and video system.


If you use SHADOW, a drop shadow is created by changing the characters in the row under the box and the 2 columns to the right of the box to normal intensity text with a black background (this will make characters displayed in black disappear entirely).


The row and column values are zero-based, so on a standard 25 line by 80 column display, valid rows are 0 - 24 and valid columns are 0 - 79.

Numeric input may be entered in either decimal format (a sequence of 0-9 digits) or in hexadecimal format ("0x" followed by a sequence of 0-F hex digits).  DRAWBOX checks for valid row and column values, and displays a "Usage" error message if any values are out of range.


The maximum row value is determined by the current height of the TCC-RT window. The maximum column value is determined by the current virtual screen width.


If ulrow is set to 999, lrrow is assumed to be the desired height, and the box will be centered vertically. If ulcol is set to 999, lrcol is assumed to be the desired width, and the box will be centered horizontally.


Unlike DRAWHLINE and DRAWVLINE, DRAWBOX does not automatically connect boxes to existing lines on the screen with the proper connector characters. If you want to draw lines inside a box and have the proper connectors drawn automatically, draw the box first, then use DRAWHLINE and DRAWVLINE to draw the lines.


DRAWBOX uses the standard line and box drawing characters in a Unicode or U.S. English extended ASCII character set. If  you use an ASCII or raster font which does not include these line drawing characters, the box or lines will not be displayed correctly.




To draw a box around the edge of an 80x25 window with bright white lines on a blue background:


drawbox 0 0 24 79 1 bri whi on blu fill blu