Edit Windows
You can block select in the edit window by holding down the Alt key while selecting text with the left mouse button.
The edit window supports multiple selections. Select additional text by holding down the Ctrl key while dragging with the mouse. Multiple selections are added to the clipboard in order with no delimiting characters. For block selections, the line end is added after each line of text. Block selections are always copied from top to bottom, not in the order of selection.
The text processing commands available in the CMDebug edit windows are listed below. The text commands can be classified into general categories:
Expression evaluation commands
Right |
This command will move the caret one character to the right. When the caret is on the last position of the current line it is moved to the first position of the next line. |
Shift-Right |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new caret position. |
Left |
This command will move the caret one character to the left. When the caret is on the first position of the current line it is moved to the last position of the previous line. |
Shift-Left |
In addition to the caret movement, this will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
Up |
This command will move the caret one line up. The caret column position will be set as close to its previous column position as possible. |
Shift-Up |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
Down |
This command will move the caret one line down. The caret column position will be set as close to it's previous column position as possible. When the caret is on the last line but not on the last column it will be moved to the last column. |
Shift-Down |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
End |
This command will move the caret to the end of the line it is currently on. If the caret is already at the end nothing happens. |
Shift-End |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
Home |
This command will move the caret to the start of the line it is currently on. If the caret is already at the start nothing happens. |
Shift-Home |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
Ctrl-Right |
This command will move in one of the following ways: |
•When the caret is located on a delimiter character the caret is moved right until the first non-delimiter is found. |
•When the caret is located on a non-delimiter character the caret is moved to the next delimiter character. |
•When the caret is located on the last word or delimiter of the current line the caret is moved to the first word or delimiter of the next line. |
Ctrl-Shift-Right |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new caret position. |
Ctrl-Left |
This command will move in one of the following ways: |
•When the caret is located on a delimiter character the caret is moved to the start of the previous word. |
•When the caret is located on a non-delimiter character and not on a white-space character the caret is moved to the start of the current word. |
•When the caret is located on the start of the first word, delimiters or white-space of the current line the caret is moved to the start of the last word or delimiters of the previous line. |
Ctrl-Shift-Left |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
Ctrl-Home |
This command will move the caret to the beginning of the text. When the caret is already at this location nothing happens. |
Ctrl-Shift-Home |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
Ctrl-End |
This command will move the caret to the end of the text. When the caret is already at this location nothing happens. |
Ctrl-Shift-End |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
PgUp |
This command will move the caret one view up when it is located on the top line currently in the view. When the caret is not located on the top line of the view, it will be moved there. |
Shift-PgUp |
In addition to the caret movement this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
PgDn |
This command will move the caret one view down when it is located on the bottom line currently in the view. When the caret is not located on the bottom line of the view, it will be moved there. |
Shift-PgDn |
In addition to the caret movement, this command will also extend the current selection to the new position. |
Ctrl-Z |
This command will undo the last change made to the edit control contents. You can undo any number of changes made to the control contents up to the maximum number of undo/redo hops. |
Ctrl-Y |
This command will redo the last change you have undone. You can re-do any number of changes up to the number of changes undone. |
Backspace |
This command will remove the character to the left of the caret. When the caret is located at the start of the line, the characters right of the caret are appended to the previous line and the caret is moved to be positioned between the old line contents and the appended characters. |
Delete |
This command removes the character to the right of the caret. When there are no characters to the right of the caret, the contents of the next line is appended to the current line. |
Return |
This command will split the current line and create a new line of the characters, if any, right of the caret. The caret is moved to the start of the newly created line. |
Ctrl-Delete |
When the caret is located on a word, this command will delete all characters in the word right of the caret position. |
Ctrl-Backspace |
When the caret is located on a word, this command will delete all characters in the word left of the caret position. |
Tab |
This command does one of the two following things: |
•When there is a valid text selection, this command will indent the lines covered by the selection right by one tab-stop. |
•When there is no text selection, a tab is inserted at the current caret position. |
Shift-Tab |
When there is a valid text selection, this command will indent the lines covered by the selection left by one tab-stop. |
Shift-Ctrl-U |
When there is a valid selection, this command will convert all lower-case characters in the selection to upper-case characters. If there is no valid selection, nothing happens. |
Ctrl-U |
When there is a valid selection, this command will convert all upper-case characters in the selection to lower-case characters. If there is no valid selection, nothing happens. |
Ins |
This command will toggle the current editing mode between overwrite and insert. |
Ctrl-A |
This command will select all the text. |
Ctrl-V |
This command will, when there is text present in the clipboard, paste the clipboard contents at the current position. |
Ctrl-C |
This command will, when there is a selection, copy the selected text to the clipboard. |
Ctrl-X |
This command will, when there is a selection, copy the selected text to the clipboard and remove the selection from the text. |
Ctrl-F3 |
This command will find the next occurrence of the word under the caret. When the next occurrence is found, it is selected. |
F3 |
This command will find the next occurrence of the current search pattern. When the search pattern is found, it is selected. |
Shift-F3 |
This command will find the previous occurrence of the current search pattern. When the search pattern is found, it is selected. |
Ctrl-G |
This command will show the goto dialog. |
Ctrl-F |
This command will show the find dialog. |
Ctrl-H |
This command will show the replace dialog. |
Ctrl-N |
Open a new file in a new tab window. |
Ctrl-O |
Open an existing file in a new tab window. |
Ctrl-W |
Close all files. |
Ctrl-S |
This command will save the current file. |
Ctrl-Shift-S |
Save all files. |
Ctrl-P |
This command will open the print dialog. |
Ctrl-I |
Display the properties for the current file. |
Alt-F4 |
Exit the debugger. |
Ctrl-F2 |
This command will clear the bookmark on the current line if it is set, or set the bookmark if it is cleared. |
Shift-Ctrl-F2 |
This command will clear all bookmarks. |
F2 |
This command will place the caret on the next line which has a bookmark set. When there is no next line with a bookmark, the text is searched starting at the first line. |
Shift-F2 |
This command will place the caret on the previous line which has a bookmark set. When there is no previous line with a bookmark, the text is searched from the last line up again. |
Ctrl-F9 |
This command will toggle a breakpoint on the current line. |
Ctrl-Shift-F9 |
This command will clear all breakpoints.
•Expression evaluation commands
Alt-F11 Alt-Shift-F11 |
Invoke the Evaluate Expression dialog. Invoke the Evaluate Expression dialog for the current selection.
You can select the result and copy it to the clipboard. |