To use the Cut, Copy, or Delete commands, you must first select a block of text with the mouse, the keyboard, or with the Select All command, below.
Undo the last action in the active editor window.
Redo the last action in the active editor window.
Copies selected text to the clipboard and deletes it from the editor.
Copies selected text to the clipboard.
Append the current selection to the existing clipboard content.
Copies text from the clipboard to the command line. If the text you insert contains a line feed or carriage return, the command line will be executed just as if you had pressed Enter. If you insert multiple lines, each line will be treated like a command typed at the prompt. Paste will check to see if the Ctrl + Shift keys are down, and if so it will insert a " & " between lines of a multiline paste.
Deletes the selected text from the editor.
Copy the existing line and insert it before the current line.
Select All
Marks the entire contents of the active editor window as selected text.
Move Line Up
Move the selected (highlighted) line up one row.
Move Line Down
Move the selected (highlighted) line down one row.End f
Displays a dialog to set the tab width, indentation width, and whether to insert tabs as spaces and to reformat indentation.
End of Line Characters
CR + LF | Lines end in a Carriage Return + Linefeed (Windows default) |
CR | Lines end in a Carriage Return (OSX default) |
LF | Lines end in a Linefeed (Linux default) |
Convert End of Line Characters
Convert the end of line character(s) in the current tab window to the character(s) defined in the "End of Line Characters" menu entry above.
Insert Folder
Displays the Windows folder selection dialog and puts the selected directory name at the current position in the editor.
Insert Filename...
Displays the Windows file selection dialog and puts the selected filename at the current position in the editor.
Search the contents of the editor window using regular expressions.
Search and replace text in the editor window.
Move the cursor to the specified line number.
Toggle Comment
Inserts or removes a rem statement at the beginning of the current command line.
Remove Blank Lines
Remove blank lines from the file in the active edit window.
Compress Spaces
Remove extra spaces from the file in the active edit window.
Tabify Selection
Replace spaces with tabs in the selected text in the active edit window.
Untabify Selection
Replace tabs with spaces in the selected text in the active edit window.
Make Selection Upper Case
Convert the selected text to upper case.
Make Selection Lower Case
Convert the selected text to lower case.
View Whitespace
Shows a dot for space & tab characters.
View EOL
Show the CR & LF characters.
Toggle Current Fold
Toggles code folding for the current line.
Toggle All Folds
Toggles code folding for the file in the active edit window. When using CMD syntax, this only affects command groups. When using TCC syntax, this also affects IF, DO, and SELECT.
Toggle Bookmark
Create or remove a bookmark on the current line in the active edit window.
Next Bookmark
Go to the next bookmark in the active edit window.
Previous Bookmark
Go to the previous bookmark in the active edit window.
Clear All Bookmarks
Removes all bookmarks from the active edit window.
The debugger will automatically save bookmarks (the current batch file name + ".bmark"), and reload them the next time the batch file is loaded in the debugger.
Add to Watch
Add the selected variable to the Watch window.
Evaluate Selection
Call the "Evaluate Expression" dialog and evaluate the highlighted expression.
Read Only
Change the current edit window to read-only, disabling all modify / write operations.