@AGEDATE[n[,d]] : Converts an age n into a date and time pair, formatted according to the current country settings, or as explicitly specified by d (see Date Display Formats). The time is separated from the date by a comma, and is always in 24-hour format, displayed with 1 ms precision, as the examples show. The conversion does not take leap seconds into account.
for /l %n in (1,1,6) echo %n %@agedate[128551146920835000,%n]
1 05-13-08,01:11:32.083
2 13-05-08,01:11:32.083
3 08-05-13,01:11:32.083
4 2008-05-13,01:11:32.083
5 2008-W20-2,01:11:32.083
6 2008-134,01:11:32.083
See also: Time Stamps, @FILEAGE and @MAKEAGE.