@JSONNODENAMES["filename",]xpath] : Returns a space delimited list of the element names for the specified xpath..
If you do not specify a filename, @JSONNODES will use the file previously opened by @JSONOPEN.
For example, with this JSON file:
"firstlevel": {
"one": "value",
"two": ["first", "second"],
"three": "value three"
echo %@jsonnodenames["test.json",/json/firstlevel/]
"one" "two" "three"
10231 Unbalanced element tag |
10232 Invalid JSON markup |
10233 Invalid XPath |
10234 DOM tree unavailable |
101 Invalid attribute index |
102 No attributes available |
103 Invalid namespace index |
104 No namespaces available |
105 Invalid element index |
106 No elements available |
107 Attribute does not exist |
201 Unbalanced element tag |
202 Unknown element prefix (can't find namespace) |
203 Unknown attribute prefix (can't find namespace) |
204 Invalid XML markup |
205 Invalid end state for parser |
206 Document contains unbalanced element |
207 Invalid XPath |
208 No such child |
209 Top element does not match start of path |
210 DOM tree unavailable |
302 Can't open file. |