@LINE[filename,n]: Returns line n from the specified file. The first line in the file is numbered 0. **EOF** is returned for all line numbers beyond the end of the file.
The filename must be in quotes if it contains white space or special characters.
Numeric input may be entered in either decimal format (a sequence of 0-9 digits) or in hexadecimal format ("0x" followed by a sequence of 0-F hex digits).
The @LINE function must read each line of the file to find the line you request, and will therefore cause significant delays if used in a long loop or on a large file. For a more effective method of processing each line of a file in sequence use the DO command, or @FILEOPEN and a sequence of @FILEREADs.
You can retrieve input from standard input if you specify CON as the filename. If you are redirecting input to @LINE using this feature, you must use command grouping or the redirection will not work properly (you can pipe to @LINE without a command group; this restriction applies only to input redirection). For example:
(echo %@line[con,0]) < myfile.dat
@LINE can retrieve data from file streams on NTFS drives if the stream name is specified. See NTFS File Streams for additional details on file streams.
@LINE supports the TCC-RT clipboards (CLIP0: - CLIP9:) and temporary files (TMP0: - TMP9:).
Beware of characters with special meaning to TCC-RT, such as redirection and piping symbols, within the file. Use SETDOS /X with appropriate codes as needed.