@MAKEDATE[n[,d]]: Returns a date, formatted according to the current country settings, or as explicitly specified by d (see Date Display Formats). n is interpreted as the number of days since 1980-01-01, and must be in the range 0 to 43829 (corresponding to the date 2099-12-31). This is function is the inverse of @DATE. The optional second parameter specifies the date format:
0 | system default |
1 | USA (mm/dd/yy) |
2 | European (dd/mm/yy) |
3 | Japan (yy/mm/dd) |
4 | ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) |
5 | ISO 8601 (yyyy-Www-d) |
6 | ISO 8601 (yyyy-ddd) |
echo %@makedate[7924]
echo %@makedate[7924,4]