FAT File Names
Under the FAT file system, a filename consists of a base name of 1 to 8 characters plus an optional extension composed of a period plus 1 to 3 more characters. FAT filenames with an 8-character name and a 3-character extension are sometimes referred to as short filenames (SFNs) to distinguish them from long file names (LFNs).
You can use alphabetic and numeric characters plus the punctuation marks ! # $ % & ' ( ) - @ ^ _ ` { } and ~ in both the base name and the extension of a FAT filename. Because the exclamation point [!], percent sign [%], caret [^], at sign [@], parentheses [()], and back-quote [`] also have other meanings to TCC, it is best to avoid using them in filenames. It is also better to use only those characters found in ASCII, because changing font and/or code page may change drastically how they are displayed.
FAT file names are always stored on the disk in upper case, and are displayed in upper or lower case depending on the options you select in TCC-RT.
Long File Names
VFAT, FAT32 and NTFS allow using long file names with a maximum of 255 characters, including spaces and other characters that are not allowed in a FAT system file name, but excluding some punctuation characters which are allowed in FAT file names. See your operating system documentation for details on the characters allowed. If you use file names which contain semicolons [;], see Wildcards for details on avoiding problems with interpretation of those file names under TCC-RT.
LFNs are stored and displayed exactly as you entered them, and are not automatically shifted to upper or lower case. For example, you could create a file called MYFILE, myfile, or MyFile, and each name would be stored in the directory just as you entered it. However, case is ignored when looking for filenames, so you cannot have two files whose names differ only in case (i.e., the three names given above would all refer to the same file). This behavior is sometimes described as "case-retentive but not case-sensitive" because the case information is retained, but does not affect access to the files. This is in contrast with Linux-style file systems, which are case sensitive, and permit AA, Aa, aA, and aa to be four different file names.
A file that has an LFN may have an additional, "FAT-compatible" name, which contains only those characters legal on a FAT volume, and which meets the 8-character name / 3-character extension limits. Programs which cannot handle long names generally can access files by using their FAT-compatible names. This name is assigned at the time the LFN is created in the specific directory, and to make it unique, it depends on what other SFNs exist in that directory at that instance. Consequently, when copying the file to another directory by its LFN the SFN generated in the target directory may be different from the SFN in the source directory.
When specifying an LFN-compatible file name, which includes spaces or other characters that would either not be allowed in a FAT name, or that may have syntactical significance for TCC-RT, you must place double quotes around the name in the command line. For example, suppose you have a file named LET3 on a FAT volume, and you want to copy it to the LETTERS directory on drive F:, an LFN volume, and give it the name Letter To Sara. To do so, use either of these commands:
copy let3 f:\LETTERS\"Letter To Sara"
copy let3 "f:\LETTERS\Letter To Sara"
The LFN file systems do not explicitly define an "extension" for file names which are not FAT-compatible. However, by convention, all characters after the last period in the file name are treated as the extension. For example, the file name "Letter to Sara" has no extension, whereas the name "Letter.to.Sara" has the extension Sara.
Additional information about disk files and file systems is available under Drives and Volumes, File Systems, Directories and Subdirectories, File Attributes, and Time Stamps.