Variable Functions Listed by Category

See also Functions by Name.


This list gives a one-line description of all built-in Variable Functions, and a cross reference which selects a separate help topic on that function where you will find the detailed syntax and description.



Binary buffers


Input dialog boxes




Network properties


Dates and times


Numbers and arithmetic


Drives and devices


Strings and characters


File content


System status


File names




File properties


Note: many functions have functionality that covers several categories.


System status



File association for the extension


Specified line from clipboard


Write string to the clipboard


Identify console sessions


Create or restore console screen buffers


Windows error description


Open command string for the file type


Returns 1 if a process is active; otherwise 0


Process ID for the process name


Startup command line for a process


User name for a PID


Process ID of the parent of the specified process


Priority class for a process


Process I/O information


Process times (start, end, kernel mode, user mode)


Read characters from the screen


Read registry value into a binary buffer


Write registry value from a binary buffer


Recursively copy a registry key to a new location


Create registry subkey


Delete a registry key and its subkeys


Test if a registry key exists


Read value from registry


Write value to registry


Write value to registry and broadcast change.


Type of registry variable


Close the serial port


Flush the serial port buffer


Open a serial port


Read the serial port buffer


Write a string to the serial port buffer


System times (idle, kernel, and user)


Title of first window with classname


Client window size


Executable name for window


Current system information


Windows memory information


Windows system metrics


Process ID for window


Window position


Window size


Current state of window


Set/get windows system parameters


Window title of PID


Directories, drives and devices



CD-ROM drive: 1, otherwise 0


Current Working Directory of specified drive


Current Working Directory of specified drive, with trailing backslash


Character device: 1, otherwise 0


Free disk space


Total disk space


Used disk space


Drive name for filename


Type of drive (hard drive, CD-ROM, etc.)


Type of drive (hard drive, CD-ROM, etc.)


File system type (FAT, NTFS, CDFS, etc.)


Directory referenced by the junction


Volume label


Drive ready: 1, otherwise 0


Remote (network) drive: 1, otherwise 0


Removable drive: 1, otherwise 0


Serial number of a disk


Hardware serial number of a disk


Windows folder locations


Target of a symbolic link


Drive is USB : 1, else 0


File content



Decode a Base64 file or string


Encode a file or string as Base64


Linux cksum-compatible CRC32


Compare two files


File CRC


Read a file into an array


Close a file handle


Open a file handle


Read next line from a file


Read bytes from a file


Move a file handle pointer


Move a file handle pointer to a specified line


Returns the file encoding (ASCII, UTF8, UTF16)


Write next line to a file


Write data to a file handle


Decode a hexadecimal file or string


Encode a file or string as hexadecimal


Return an entry from an .INI file


Write an entry in an .INI file


Inode value for a file


Specified line from a file


Count lines in a file


Number of NTFS hard links for a file


MD5 hash of a string or file


Decode a Punycode string or file


Encode a Punycode string or file


Decode using Quote-Printable MIME format


Encode using Quote-Printable MIME format


SHA1 checksum for a file


SHA2-256 checksum for a file


SHA2-384 checksum for a file


SHA2-512 checksum for a file


NTFS SummaryInformation stream for a file


Truncate file at current position


Decode a UTF8 file or string


Encode a file or string as UTF8


Decode a UU Encoded file


Encode a file as UU Encoded


Executable file version information


Decode a Y Encoded file or string


Encode a file or string as Y Encoded


File names



Short name for the file.


All names that match filename


File extension


Filename for a handle


File name and extension


Full file name with path


Long name for a short filename


File name without path or extension


File path without name


Double quote a filename


Short name for a long filename


Path search


True name of a file


UNC name of a file


Create file with unique name


Remove double quotes from a filename


Remove leading and trailing double quotes


Returns a versioned filename


File properties



Test or return file attributes


File description


Application type


File age (date and time)


File date


Return PIDs with a lock on the file


Number of files matching a wildcard


Total size of files matching a wildcard


File time


Closes the search handle.


Find first matching file


Find next matching file


Inode value for a file


Number of NTFS hard links for a file


File owner


Path search


NTFS SummaryInformation stream for a file


True name for a file


Create file with unique name


Executable file version information


Test or return file attributes


Strings and characters



List of ASCII-s for characters in string


Capitalize first character of each word


Character string, given a set of ASCII-s


Counts occurrences of a character in a string


Validate an email address


Execute a command and store the results in an array variable


Execute a command and return the output line


Extract a field from a string


Count fields in a string


Removes non-matching characters from a string


Formats data string according to format string


Decode an HTML string


Encode a string for HTML


Offset of string2 within string1


Insert string1 into string2


Extract a substring


Test for alphanumeric characters


Test for alphabetic characters


Test for ASCII characters


Test for control characters


Test for decimal digits


Returns 1 if the string is a floating point number


Returns 1 if the string is all lower case


Test for printable characters


Test for punctuation characters


Test for white space characters


Returns 1 if the string is all upper case


Test for hexadecimal digits


Longest common sequence in two strings


Left end of string


Length of a string


Convert string to lower case


Trims specified leading characters.


MD5 hash of a string or file


Email server for a user address


Parse the command line for switches


Double quote a string


Return a Regular Expression test


Return the offset of a regular expression match


Return the nth matching group of a regular expression test


Repeat a character


Replace string1 with string2 in text


Regular expression back reference substitution


Reverse a string


Right end of string


Trims specified trailing characters.


Test similarity between two strings


Strips all characters in char from string


Substitute a string within another string


Older version of @INSTR to extract a substring


Number of alphanumeric characters in a string


Number of alphabetic characters in a string


Number of 7-bit ASCII characters in a string


Number of ASCII control characters in a string


Number of digits (0-9) in a string


Number of lower case characters in a string


Number of printable characters in a string


Number of punctuation characters in a string


Remove leading and trailing blanks from a string


Removing leading, trailing, and extra internal blanks from a string


Number of white space characters in a string


Number of upper case characters in a string


Number of hexadecimal digits in a string


List of UNICODEs for characters in string


Remove double quotes from a string


Remove leading and trailing double quotes


Convert string to upper case


Decode an URL string


Encode an URL string


Compares strings using wildcards


Extract a word from a string


Count words in a string


Binary buffers and shared memory



Allocate a binary buffer


Free a binary buffer


Read a value from a binary buffer


Read a string from a binary buffer


Write a value to a binary buffer


Write a string to a binary buffer


Read from a file to a binary buffer


Returns the size of a binary buffer


Write from a binary buffer to a file


Close a handle to shared memory


Open a handle to shared memory


Read a value from shared memory


Write a value to shared memory


Read a string from shared memory


Write a string to shared memory


Numbers and arithmetic



Absolute value of n


Average of a list


Smallest integer not less than n


Insert commas (thousands separators) into a numeric string


Convert value from input base to output base


Decrement a numeric value by 1


Decimal fraction portion of a number


Tests if string is all digits


Arithmetic calculations


Format a numeric value


Format a numeric value and insert thousands separators


Largest integer not larger than n


Increment a numeric value by 1


Integer part of a number


Test if a number is a prime


Largest integer in the list


Smallest integer in the list


Test if a string is numeric


Generate a prime number


Generate a random integer


Dates and times



Converts an age into date and time


Day of month for date


Convert date to number of days


Convert date formats


Custom date/time formatting


Short name of day of week for date


Full name of day of week


Day of week as integer


Day of year for date


Select a date from a calendar


Select a date and/or time from a date picker


Short localized name of day of week for date


Full localized name of day of week for date


ISO 8601 numeric day of week


ISO 8601 numeric week of year


ISO 8601 numeric week date year


Convert date and time to age


Convert number of days to date


Convert number of seconds to time


Month in specified date


Convert time to number of seconds


Year for date


Input dialog boxes



Prompt for a directory name.


Prompt for a path and file name.


Folder name from tree view.


Menu selection


Network properties



OpenAFS cell name for a path


OpenAFS mount point for a path


Path is in OpenAFS: 1, otherwise 0


OpenAFS symbolic link for a path


OpenAFS volume ID for a path


OpenAFS volume name for a path


The Bluetooth address of the device


Returns 1 if the Bluetooth device is authenticated


The device class for the Bluetooth device


Returns 1 if the Bluetooth device is connected


The last time the Bluetooth device was seen


The last time the Bluetooth device was used


The name of the Bluetooth device


Returns 1 if the Bluetooth radio is remembered


The Bluetooth address of the radio


The device class of the Bluetooth radio


Returns 1 if the Bluetooth radio accepts connections


Returns 1 if the Bluetooth radio is discoverable


The manufacturer of the Bluetooth radio


The name of the Bluetooth radio


The radio subversion of the Bluetooth radio


The Bluetooth address of the service


The service class ID (UUID) of the Bluetooth service


A comment describing the Bluetooth service


The name of the Bluetooth service


A list of other class IDs for the Bluetooth service


The port on which the Bluetooth service is running


The protocol used by the Bluetooth service


Domain name of a computer


Identify server names on a network


Identify sharenames on a server


User is member of group: 1, otherwise 0


Returns the numeric IP for a host name


Address of an adapter


Aliases of a host name


The broadcast address of an adapter


Description of an adapter


DHCP server for an adapter


Returns 1 if the network adapter has DHCP enabled


Expiration date and time of the network adapter lease


Gateway for an adapter


IPv6 link local address of an adapter


IPv6 address of an adapter


Returns the host name for a numeric IP address


Name of an adapter


Date and time of the network adapter lease


List of alternate addresses for the host


List of other IP addresses leased by an adapter


Physical address of an adapter


Port number for a service


Aliases for a service


Current status of an adapter


Subnet of an adapter


Type of an adapter


Returns 1 if the adapter is using WINS


Primary WINS server for an adapter


Secondary WINS server for an adapter


IPv6 Zone ID for an adapter


Response time from a host


Address of the host responding to the PING


JSON Parsing



Close a JSON file


Write the closing bracket of a JSON array


Write the closing brace of a JSON object


Flush the JSON parser buffers


Returns 1 if the XPath exists in the JSON file, 0 otherwise


Parse input string as JSON data


Writes a value of a property at a selected position


Insert a value at a selected position


Returns the element names for the specified path


Returns the number of nodes for the specified path


Open a JSON file


Output JSON to a string after processing


Write the name of a property


Write a property and value


Write a raw JSON fragment


Write the value of a property


Remove the element or value set in XPath


Flush the JSON parser buffer & initialize parser to default state


Save the modified JSON file to the output file


Set a new name for the element specified by XPath


Set a new value for the element specified by XPath


Write the opening bracket of a JSON array


Write the opening brace of a JSON object


JSON XPath query



XML Parsing



Close an XML file previously opened by @XMLOPEN


Write the closing tab of an XML element


Flush the XML parser buffers


Return the value of the specified attribute


Return 1 if the XPath exists in the XML file, 0 otherwise


Parse input string as XML data


Element names for the specified path


Return the number of nodes (children) for the specified path in an XML file


Open an XML file for use by @XMLXPATH and/or @XMLNODES


Output XML to a string after processing


Write an XML attribute


Write an XML CDATA block


Write an XML comment block


Write a simple XML element with no attributes and a value


Write text inside an XML element


Removes the children of the element at the specified path


Removes the element and its children at the specified XPath


Flush the XML parser buffers and initialize parser to default state


Save the modified XML document


Write the opening tab of a new XML element


Return text of XML element





Value of an alias


Array variable information


Call a _cdecl function in a DLL


Specified line from clipboard


Write string to the clipboard


Write string to a TCC-RT clipboard (CLIP0: - CLIP9:)


RGB value of a color


Write a string to the debugger


Display directory stack entry


Windows error description


Execute a command, returns its exit code


Execute a command, returns its first output line


Console font information


Definition of a function


Value dependent on a conditional expression


Execute a Lua expression


Close an ODBC session


Open an ODBC session


Query a SQL database


Current configuration option value


Evaluate a Perl expression


Full pathname for plugin


Plugin version number


Execute a Powershell expression


Read characters from the screen


Evaluate a REXX expression


Evaluate expression in active scripting engine


Menu selection from file


Menu selection from array variable


Query service information


Save a window or the desktop to a BMP


Execute a Tcl/tk command


Get split time from timer.


Execute a Tk script or expression


Read a string from a TMP device


Write a string to a TMP device


Close a UnQlite database


Delete a key/value pair from a UnQlite database


Add a key/binary blob value pair to a UnQlite database


Append a binary blob to the value of an existing UnQlite key/value pair


Add a key/file value pair to a UnQlite database


Append a file to the value of an existing UnQlite key/value pair


Add a key/value pair to a UnQlite database


Append a string to the value of an existing UnQlite key/value pair


Open a UnQlite database


Read a binary value from a UnQlite database


Read a file value from a UnQlite database


Read a string value from a UnQlite database


Create a UUID / GUID


Call a Windows API function


Query WMI


Compression and Decompression



The number of files in a .tar archive


The compressed name of a file in a .tar archive


The decompressed name of a file in a .tar archive


The date and time of a file in a .tar archive


The (uncompressed) size of a file in a .tar archive


The number of files in a .zip archive


The comment text for a .zip archive


The compressed name of a file in a .zip archive


The decompressed name of a file in a .zip archive


The comment (description)  of a file in a .zip archive


The CRC of a file in a .zip archive


The date and time of a file in a .zip archive


The compressed size of a file in a .zip archive


The decompressed size of a file in a .zip archive