See also Functions by Category.
OpenAFS cell name |
OpenAFS mount point |
Path in OpenAFS: 1, otherwise 0 |
OpenAFS symbolic link |
OpenAFS volume ID |
OpenAFS volume name |
Converts an age into date and time |
Value of an alias |
Short name for the file |
Set of ASCII-s for characters in string |
Array variable information |
File association |
Test or return file attributes |
Average of a list of numbers |
Encode file or string as Base64 |
Allocate a binary buffer |
Free a binary buffer |
Read a value from a binary buffer |
Read a string from a binary buffer |
Write a value to a binary buffer |
Write a string to a binary buffer |
Read from a file to a binary buffer |
Returns the size of a binary buffer |
The Bluetooth address of the device |
Returns 1 if the Bluetooth device has been authenticated |
The device class for the Bluetooth device |
Returns 1 if the Bluetooth device is connected |
The last time the Bluetooth device was seen |
The last time the Bluetooth device was used |
The name of the Bluetooth device |
Returns 1 if the Bluetooth radio is remembered |
The Bluetooth address of the radio |
The device class of the Bluetooth radio |
Returns 1 if the Bluetooth radio accepts connections |
Returns 1 if the Bluetooth radio is discoverable |
The manufacturer of the Bluetooth radio |
The name of the Bluetooth radio |
The radio subversion of the Bluetooth radio |
The Bluetooth address of the service |
The service class ID (UUID) of the Bluetooth service |
A comment describing the Bluetooth service |
The name of the Bluetooth service |
A list of other class IDs for the Bluetooth service |
The port on which the Bluetooth service is running |
The protocol used by the Bluetooth service |
Write from a binary buffer to a file |
Capitalize first character of each word |
CD-ROM drive: 1, otherwise 0 |
Smallest integer not less than a number |
Character string, given a set of ASCII-s |
Linux cksum compatible CRC32 checksum |
Specified line from clipboard |
Write string to the clipboard |
Write string to a TCC-RT clipboard CLIp0: - CLIP9:) |
RGB value of a color |
Insert commas into a number (thousands separators) |
Two files are identical: 1, otherwise 0 |
Identify console sessions |
Create or restore a console screen buffer |
Convert value from input base to output base |
Number of times a character appears in a string |
File CRC |
Current Working Directory of specified drive |
Current Working Directory of specified drive, with trailing backslash |
Convert date to another format |
Custom date formatting |
Day of month for date |
Write a string to the debugger |
Decrement a numeric value by 1 |
Decimal portion of a number |
File description |
Character device: 1, otherwise 0 |
String is all digits: 1, otherwise 0 |
Directory stack entry |
Free disk space |
Total disk space |
Used disk space |
Domain name of a computer |
Short name of day of week for date |
Full name of day of week for date |
Day of week number for date |
Day of year for date |
Drive name for filename |
Type of a drive |
Type of a drive |
Identify server names on a network |
Identify sharenames on a server |
Windows error description |
Arithmetic calculations |
Execute a command and return its exit code |
Execute a command and store the results in an array variable |
Execute a command and return the first output line |
Application type |
All names that match filename |
File extension |
Count fields in a string |
File age (date and time) |
Read a file into an array |
Close a file handle |
File date |
Returns the filename for a handle |
Returns PIDs with a lock on a file |
File name and extension |
Open a file handle |
Read next line from a file |
Read bytes from a file |
Number of files matching a wildcard |
Move a file handle pointer to specified file position |
Move a file handle pointer to a specified line |
Total size of files matching a wildcard |
File time |
File encoding type (ASCII, UTF8, UTF16) |
Write next line to a file |
Write data to a file |
Removes non-matching characters from a string |
Closes the search handle. |
Find first matching file |
Find next matching file |
Largest integer not larger than a number |
Number of folders |
Formats data string according to format string |
Return console font information |
Format a numeric value |
Format a numeric value and insert the thousands separator(s) |
File system type (FAT, NTFS, CDFS, etc.) |
Open command string for file type |
Full file name with path |
Definition of a function |
Select a date and/or time from a date picker |
Prompt for a directory name. |
Prompt for a path and file name. |
Folder name from tree view. |
User is member of group: 1, otherwise 0 |
Encode file or string as hexadecimal |
Decode an HTML escaped string |
Encode a string for HTML |
Full local name of day of week for date |
Evaluates a conditional expression |
Increment a numeric value by 1 |
Offset of string2 within string1 |
Return an entry from an .INI file |
Write an entry in an .INI file |
Inserts string1 into string2 |
File Inode (in hex) |
Extract a substring |
Integer part of a number |
Returns the numeric IP for a host name |
Address of an adapter |
Aliases of a host name |
The broadcast address of an adapter |
Description of an adapter |
DHCP server for an adapter |
Returns 1 if the network adapter has DHCP enabled |
Expiration date and time of the network adapter lease |
Gateway for an adapter |
IPv6 link local address of an adapter |
IPv6 address of an adapter |
Returns the host name for a numeric IP address |
Name of an adapter |
Date and time of the network adapter lease |
List of alternate addresses for the host |
List of other IP addresses leased by an adapter |
Physical address of an adapter |
Port number for a service |
Aliases for a service |
Current status of an adapter |
Subnet of an adapter |
Type of an adapter |
Returns 1 if the adapter is using WINS |
Primary WINS server for an adapter |
Secondary WINS server for an adapter |
IPv6 Zone ID for an adapter |
Test for alphanumeric characters |
Test for alphabetic characters |
Test for ASCII characters |
Test for control characters |
Test for decimal digits |
Returns 1 if the string is a floating point number |
Returns 1 if the string is only lower-case letters |
ISO 8601 numeric day of week |
ISO 8601 numeric week of year |
ISO 8601 numeric week date year |
Test for prime number |
Test for printable characters |
Returns 1 if the process is active; otherwise 0 |
Test for punctuation characters |
Returns 1 if the string is only upper-case letters |
Test for white space characters |
Test for hexadecimal digits |
Write the closing bracket of a JSON array |
Write the closing brace of a JSON object |
Flush the JSON parser buffers |
Returns 1 if the XPath exists in the JSON file, 0 otherwise |
Parse input string as JSON data |
Writes a value of a property at a selected position |
Insert a value at a selected position |
Returns the element names for the specified path |
Returns the number of nodes for the specified path |
Open a JSON file |
Output JSON to string |
Write the name of a property |
Writes a property and value |
Writes a raw JSON fragment |
Write the value of a property |
Remove the element or value set in XPath |
Flush the JSON parser buffer & initialize parser to default state |
Save the modified JSON file to the output file |
Set a new name for the element specified by XPath |
Set a new value for the element specified by XPath |
Write the opening bracket of a JSON array |
Write the opening brace of a JSON object |
JSON XPath query |
Directory referenced by the junction |
Longest common sequence in two strings |
Left end of string |
Length of a string |
Long name for a short filename |
Specified line from a file |
Count of lines in a file |
Number of NTFS hard links for the file |
Convert string to lower case |
Left trim specified characters. |
Execute a Lua expression |
Convert date and time to age |
Convert number of days to date |
Convert number of seconds to time |
Largest integer in the list |
MD5 hash of a string or file |
Smallest integer in the list |
Month for date |
Email server for the specified user address |
Open an ODBC session |
Query a SQL database |
Current configuration option value |
Return file owner |
File path without name |
Evaluate a Perl expression |
PID for the specified process name |
Return startup command line for the specified process |
Return user name for a PID |
Response time from a host |
Address of the host responding to the PING |
Full pathname for plugin |
Plugin version number ( |
PID for the parent of the specified process |
Generate a prime number |
Priority class for the specified process |
Process I/O information |
Process times (start, end, kernel mode, user mode) |
Evaluate a PowerShell expression |
Decode a Punycode string or file |
Encode a Punycode string or file |
Evaluate a Python expression |
Encode using Quote-Printable MIME format |
Double quote the argument if necessary |
Read characters from the screen |
Drive ready: 1, otherwise 0 |
Read a registry value to a binary buffer |
Write a registry value from a binary buffer |
Recursively copy a registry key to a new location |
Create registry subkey |
Delete a registry key and its subkeys |
Match a regular expression |
Return the offset of a regular expression match |
Test if a registry key exists |
Return nth matching regular expression group |
Read value from registry |
Write value to registry |
Write value to registry and broadcast change. |
Return type of registry variable |
Remote (network) drive: 1, otherwise 0 |
Removable drive: 1, otherwise 0 |
Repeat a character |
Replace string1 with string2 in text |
Regular expression back reference substitution |
Reverse a string |
Value of executing an expression by REXX |
Right end of string. |
Removes specified trailing characters. |
Evaluate a Ruby expression |
Path search |
Menu selection from file |
Menu selection from array variable |
Serial number of a disk |
Hardware serial number of a disk |
Close the serial port |
Flush the serial port buffer |
Open a serial port |
Read the serial port buffer |
Write a string to the serial port buffer |
Query server information |
Query service information |
Short name for a long filename |
SHA1 checksum for the file |
SHA2-256 checksum for the file |
SHA2-384 checksum for the file |
SHA2-512 checksum for the file |
Get Windows folder locations |
Compare two strings for similarity |
Close a shared memory handle |
Return a handle to shared memory |
Read a value from shared memory |
Write a value to shared memory |
Read a string from shared memory |
Write a string to shared memory |
Save a window or desktop as a BMP |
Strips all characters in char from string |
Substitute a string within another string |
Extract a substring |
Query or set the NTFS SummaryInformation stream |
Target of a symbolic link |
System idle, kernel, or user time |
Number of alphabetic characters in a string |
Compressed name of a file in a tar archive |
Number of files in a tar archive |
Uncompressed name of a file in a tar archive |
Date and time of a file in a tar archive |
Size of a file in a tar archive |
Number of 7-bit ASCII characters in a string |
Evaluate a Tcl expression |
Number of ASCII control characters in a string |
Number of digits (0-9) in a string |
Convert a time of day to number of seconds |
Get split time from timer. |
Evaluate a Tk (Tcl) script or expression |
Read a string from a TMP device |
Write a string to a TMP device |
Number of lower case characters in a string |
Number of printable characters in a string |
Number of punctuation characters in a string |
Remove leading & trailing blanks from a string |
Remove leading, trailing, and extra internal blanks from a string |
Find true name of a file |
Truncate file at current position |
Number of white space characters in a string |
Number of upper case characters in a string |
Number of hexadecimal digits in a string |
Numeric UNICODE value for a character |
Create file with unique name |
Close a UnQLite database |
Delete a key/value pair from a UnQLite database |
Add a key/binary blob value pair to a UnQLite database |
Append a binary blob to the value of an existing UnQLite key/value pair |
Add a key/file value pair to a UnQLite database |
Append a file to the value of an existing UnQLite key/value pair |
Add a key/value pair to a UnQLite database |
Append a string to the value of an existing UnQLite key/value pair |
Open a UnQLite database |
Read a binary value from a UnQLite database |
Read a value from a UnQLite database and write it to a file |
Read a string value from a UnQLite database |
Remove double quotes from a filename |
Remove leading and trailing double quotes |
Convert string to upper case |
Decode an URL string |
Encode an URL string |
If drive is USB : 1, else 0 |
Decode a UTF8 file or string |
Encode a file or string as UTF8 |
Decode a UU Encoded file |
Encode a file as UU Encoded |
Returns a UUID (GUID) |
Executable file version information |
Returns a versioned replacement for a filename |
Compares strings using wildcards |
Call a Windows API function |
Title of first window with class name |
Client window size |
Executable name for window |
Current system information |
Windows memory information |
Windows system metrics |
Convert WSL filename to Windows |
Process ID for a window |
Window position |
Window size |
Current state of window |
Set/get windows system parameters |
Query WMI |
Extract a word from a string |
Count words in a string |
Workgroup name of a computer |
Convert Windows filename to WSL |
Write the closing tab of an XML element |
Flush the XML parser buffers |
Return the value of the specified attribute |
Return 1 if the XPath exists in the XML file, 0 otherwise |
Parse input string as XML data |
Element names for the specified path |
Return the number of nodes (children) for the specified path in an XML file |
Open an XML file for use by @XMLXPATH and/or @XMLNODES |
Output XML to a string |
Write an XML attribute |
Write an XML CDATA block |
Write an XML comment block |
Write a simple XML element with no attributes and a value |
Write text inside an XML element |
Removes the children of the element at the specified path |
Removes the element and its children at the specified XPath |
Flush the XML parser buffers and initialize parser to default state |
Save the modified XML document |
Write the opening tab of a new XML element |
Return text of XML element |
Year for date |
Encode a file or string as Y Encoded |
The comment for a zip archive |
The number of files in a zip archive |
The decompressed name of a file in a zip archive |
The comment (description) of a file in a zip archive |
The CRC of a file in a zip archive |
The date and time of a file in a zip archive |
The compressed size of a file in a zip archive |
The decompressed size of a file in a zip archive |