Most TCC-RT arguments are only limited by the amount of available RAM. There are a few (like the maximum filename size) that are limited by the Windows APIs.
Length Limits (characters)
entity |
name |
value |
combined |
environment variable |
none |
none |
none |
alias |
none |
none |
none |
user defined variable function |
none |
none |
none |
command type |
before expansion |
after expansion |
command line |
none |
none |
command group |
none |
none |
Nesting Limits
command |
depth |
no limit |
no limit |
no limit |
GOSUB without parameters |
no limit |
GOSUB with parameters |
22 |
32 |
no limit |
Miscellaneous Limits (characters)
entity |
limit |
character count in any function |
none |
number of batch file parameters |
8,191 |
number of GOSUB parameters |
255 |
file name (Windows limitation) |
32,767 |
include list |
none |
single parameter |
none |
global alias list * |
262,144 |
global function list * |
131,072 |
directory stack (PUSHD) |
16,383 |
* The global alias list and global function list sizes may be increased with the AliasSize and FunctionSize .INI directives.