Purpose: | Create NTFS symbolic, hard, and soft links |
Format: | MKLINK [/A:[[-]rhsadecijopt /A /D /H /J /Q /X] Link Target |
Link | The new symbolic link name |
Target | The pathname (full or relative) that the new link refers to |
/A | Create a link with an absolute path. |
/D | Create a directory symbolic link. (The default is to create a file symbolic link.) |
/H | Create a hard link (like MKLNK). |
/J | Create a junction. |
/Q | Don't display results. |
/X | Delete directory link. |
File Selection
Supports attribute switches, extended wildcards, ranges, and include lists. Date, time, size, or file exclusion ranges anywhere on the line apply to all source files. Use wildcards with caution on LFN volumes; see LFN File Searches for details.
If you don't specify a target or any options, MKLINK will display information on the link (including OpenAFS reparse points).
Due to Windows file system restrictions, creating symbolic links with MKLINK requires an NTFS volume.
The file/directory names in Link and Target can be fully or partially qualified. MKLINK will also copy an existing description to the link.
MKLINK sets two internal variables:
%_mklink_files | The number of links created |
%_mklink_errors | The number of errors |
See also MKLNK.
Create a symbolic file link "c:\mydir\myfile" that refers to the existing file "c:\data\somefile" :
mklink c:\mydir\myfile c:\data\somefile
/A | Create a link with an absolute (full expanded) pathname. For CMD compatibility, MKLINK creates relative links if you don't specify a full pathname. |