Purpose:Display or change monitor capabilities


Format:MONITOR [/AP:x:y /AS:x:y /B:n /C:n /D:Color:n /FC /FD /G:Color:n /N:n /S /T:n]


/AP:x:y (display position)/FC (factory colors)
/AS:x:y (display area)/FD (factory defaults)
/B:n (brightness)/N:n (physical monitor)
/C:n (contrast)/S (save settings)
/D:color:n (drive value)/T:n (color temperature)

/G:color:n (gain value)




MONITOR can display or change monitor capabilities, including:


Technology type

Color temperature


Display area position

Display area size

RGB drive

RGB gain


Reset factory color defaults

Reset factory defaults

Save to nonvolatile storage


Not all settings are supported by all monitors. If you don't enter any arguments, MONITOR will display the current configuration of all physical monitors. Depending on the options and the monitor hardware, MONITOR can take several hundred milliseconds to return.


The MONITOR command will fail if the monitor does not support DDC/CI.




Set the second monitor to a brightness of 90 and a contrast of 75:


monitor /n:1 /b:90 /c:75




/AP:x:ySet the horizontal (x=0) or vertical (x=1) position of the monitor's display area. y is the new width or height. Increasing the horizontal position moves the display area to the right; decreasing it moves the display area to the left. Increasing the vertical position moves the display area up, decreasing it moves the display area down.


/AS:x:ySet the display area width (x=0) or height (x=1). y is the new width or height.


/B:nSet the brightness.


/C:nSet the contrast.


/D:Color:nSets a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value. Drive settings are used to adjust the monitor's white point (drive is also called black level). Color is either RED, GREEN, or BLUE; n is the drive value (usually 0-100). You can have multiple /Drive arguments in a single MONITOR command.


/G:Color:nSets a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value. Gain settings are generally used to adjust the monitor's white point. Color is either RED, GREEN, or BLUE; n is the gain value (usually 0-100). Changing the gain settings can change the color temperature.  You can have multiple /Gain arguments in a single MONITOR command.


/FCRestore the factory color settings.


/FDRestore the factory default settings


/N:nChange settings on physical monitor n. The default is 0.


/SSave settings to the display's nonvolatile storage.


/T:nChange the color temperature. n can be one of the following: