Purpose:Load, unload, or display information about plugins


Format:PLUGIN [/B /C /F /I /K /L /P[n] /U /V] plugin ...


/B (full pathname)/L(oad)





Plugins allow you to write your own internal variables, variable functions, and internal commands, put them in a DLL, and have TCC-RT load them at startup. Plugin names will override existing internal names, so you can extend and/or replace internal variables and commands. When TCC-RT starts, it will automatically load any plugins in the default directory (the subdirectory PLUGINS\ in the TCC-RT installation directory). The plugins will be loaded before the startup file (TCSTART) are executed.


You can also write keystroke plugins that will be called for every keystroke entered at the command line. A keystroke plugin can perform actions when a specific key is entered, or even change the key before passing it back to the command processor.


If no options are specified, PLUGIN will display the currently loaded plugins and their internal variables, variable functions, and commands.


You can specify a particular plugin to execute by prefixing the function / variable / command name with the plugin name and a $. For example:


echo %_myplugin$variable

echo %@myplugin$func[abc]



See the Plugin SDK for more information on developing plugins.




/BDisplay the full pathnames of the plugins.


/COnly display internal commands in the plugins.


/FOnly display variable functions in the plugins.


/IDisplay information about the specified plugin, including the name, author, author's email and web addresses, description, function list, version and build numbers. The /I option supports wildcards.


/KOnly display keystroke plugins.


/LLoads the specified plugins. If the filename is *, load all plugins from the default directory (the subdirectory PLUGINS\ in the TCC-RT installation directory).


/P[n]Wait for a key to be pressed after each screen page before continuing the display. Your options at the prompt are explained in detail under Page and File Prompts. The /P option has an optional argument n that specifies the number of seconds to wait for a keystroke before continuing.


/UUnloads the specified plugin. If the filename is *, unloads all plugins.


/VOnly display internal variables in the plugins.