Purpose:Print the specified file(s) using the application associated with each file's extension


Format:PRINT [/A printer /D printer /S printer] filename ...


/A(dd) printer

/S(et) default printer

/D(elete) printer





Except for plain text files, Windows files cannot be printed without sending them to an associated application for interpretation and formatting. Using the extension for each file you want to print, PRINT determines if a Print action has been defined for that file type. If so, it executes the Print action and sends the file to the application for processing.


For example, if you use the command


print myletter.doc


PRINT looks up the Print command for .DOC files in the registry and, on most computers, will find that it is associated either with WordPad or Word. It will execute the associated program and send it the file along with the necessary command to print the file and then quit.


If PRINT cannot find a Print command for a file, it displays an error message. If there are additional files in the list you gave it to print, it will go on to the next file in the list.


PRINT accepts piped & redirected input to send to the printer. If there is no filename, PRINT will read from STDIN, create a temporary file, and send it to the printer.


PRINT depends on proper Windows File Associations settings in the registry and proper behavior of the program associated with each file type in order to print the file. If the registry entries or the application associated with a particular file type are not configured correctly, PRINT may not work as expected.




/AAdd a connection for the specified printer.


/DRemove the connection to the specified printer.


/SSet the default printer.