Purpose:Associate a path with a drive letter


Format:PSUBST [drive1: [path]]

PSUBST /D drive1:

PSUBST /P drive1:  [path]


drive1:Specifies a virtual drive to which you want to assign a path.
pathSpecifies a path you want to assign to a virtual drive (no trailing backslash).







PSUBST works like the Windows SUBST command, but the drive substitution is persistent (i.e., when the machine is restarted).


PSUBST with no parameters will display a list of the current virtual drives. If a drive is persistent, it will be prefixed with a *.


Because PSUBST needs to write to the HKLM registry hive, PSUBST must be run in an elevated TCC-RT session.




/DDeletes a substituted (virtual) drive.


/PMake a new or existing virtual drive persistent.