Purpose:Remotely execute commands


Format:REXEC [/H host /U name /P password /IPv6 /Rn /Tn] host [/L userid] command ...


commandThe command to execute


/H(ost name)/R(emote port)
/IPv6/T (firewall type)
/L (user ID)/U(sername)





REXEC allows remote execution of commands on any system with the rexec service installed. Press Ctrl-C to disconnect from the other system.


If you don't specify a username, REXEC will use the current username. You can provide a password on the command line by appending it to the username (i.e., "User:Password"). If you don't provide a password, REXEC will prompt for it.


If you want to do redirection on the remote system, enclose the argument list in double quotes. For example:


REXEC /H host /U user /P password "command | command2"


The double quotes will be removed before passing the commands to the remote system.


Note: Windows does not include the rexec service, so you will need to get one from a third-party and install it on the remote system before executing REXEC.




/HFirewall host name


/IPv6Use IPv6 instead of IPv4


/LUser name (ID)


/PFirewall user password


/RRemote port number


/TFirewall type, where n is:


0No firewall (default setting)  
1Connect through a tunneling proxy
2Connect through a SOCKS4 Proxy
3Connect through a SOCKS5 Proxy


/UFirewall user name