Purpose: | Create or display a shortcut |
Format: | Creation mode |
SHORTCUT command args dir desc link mode [iconfile [iconoffset [hotkey]]]
command | Command the shortcut executes |
args | Command line parameters for command |
dir | Starting directory |
desc | Description |
link | Filename of the .LNK file. |
mode | Initial window mode: 1=normal, 2=minimized, 3=maximized |
iconfile | File containing the icon to use |
iconoffset | Icon offset within iconfile |
hotkey | Hotkey to invoke the shortcut |
SHORTCUT creates a Windows shortcut file and places it in the specified directory. You can run any Windows shortcut from TCC-RT by entering the name of the .LNK file on the command line.
SHORTCUT requires a minimum of 6 parameters. To leave a parameter blank, enter an empty string (2 double quotes "" in its place. Any parameter must be enclosed in double quotes if it includes white space or other special characters. SHORTCUT will not try to fully qualify the command name, startup directory, or link file name if they contain % characters. This allows you to embed variables that will be expanded by Windows.
Command is the full path of the executable file to start, or the data file or folder to open. If it is a data file, its extension must be associated with an executable command (see ASSOC) for the shortcut to work.
The args parameter lists any command line parameters which you want to include when command is executed. For example, if command points to a batch file, you might want to include /c in args so that TCC-RT exits immediately when the batch file is completed.
The dir parameter is the path of the directory to which you want Windows to switch when the command starts. If you don't care which directory is used, you can omit this parameter by entering "" in its place.
Desc provides a description that is stored internally in the shortcut. It is displayed when the cursor is moved to the shortcut. If you omit the description, enter ""' in its place.
The link parameter is the drive, path, name and extension of the shortcut file you want to create. The drive and path portion is interpreted according to the usual rules - missing elements default to the current defaults, path is relative to the current default unless it starts with \. The file extension must be .LNK.
Note: If you want the shortcut to appear on the Windows desktop, you should include the full path to one of the desktop directory in the command. In most Windows configurations, that directory can be referenced symbolically as %userprofile\Desktop. Some Windows versions also include an All Users\Desktop directory.
The mode parameter determines how Windows will display the application or folder when you run the shortcut. It must be 1 for a normal window, 2 for a minimized window (normally placed on the taskbar), or 3 for a maximized window.
The two (optional) parameters, iconfile and iconoffset allow you to specify the icon for the shortcut to use. (By default, SHORTCUT will use the default icon in the executable file.)
The final (optional) parameter hotkey specifies the keystroke which will call the shortcut. The keystroke should be entered in the same format as used in KEYSTACK; for example, Ctrl-Alt-B.
If you provide a single parameter (a link file name), SHORTCUT will display the values for that link.
Create a shortcut for TCC-RT that starts in D:\TakeCommand28 in a normal window:
shortcut "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD28\tcc.exe" "" d:\TakeCommand28 "TCC command processor" tcc.lnk 1 "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD28\tcc.exe"
a single parameter (a link file name), SHORTCUT will display the values for that link.