Purpose: | Displays Windows Toast notifications |
Format: | TOAST /template=n /text1="text" [options] |
See Options below for details
Display Windows Toast notifications, a popup window that appears on the lower right corner of the display. Unlike message boxes, Toast popups are not modal and will disappear after a few seconds. Windows will not display Toast notifications if the user has disabled notifications, either for TCC-RT or everywhere.
TOAST sets two internal command variables:
_toast |
0 - no toast active or no user response yet |
1 - user clicked on the toast
2 - user dismissed the toast |
3 - toast timed out |
4 - application hid the toast |
5 - toast was not activated |
6 - toast failed |
7 - system does not support toasts |
8 - unhandled option |
9 - multiple texts were provided |
10 - toast notification manager initialization failure |
11 - toast could not be launched |
0 - user has not clicked on a button
1 - user clicked on first button
2 - user clicked on second button
3 - user clicked on third button
The TOAST command exits after calling Windows to display the Toast notification. Windows will call back to TOAST with the Toast results and actions, so the _toast and _toast_action variables will not be set until the user either clicks on the Toast or it times out.
toast /image="console2.png" /expire=15 /action=Yes /action=No /text1="Do you want to try to take over the world?"
/action="text" - You can have one or more actions. Each action creates a button on the Toast window; clicking on that button will set the _toast_action internal variable.
/attribute="text" - Attribution text displayed on the bottom of the Toast window.
/audio=n - Windows system sound to play when the notification is displayed.
0 - DefaultSound
1 - IM
2 - Mail
3 - Reminder
4 - SMS
5 - Alarm
6 - Alarm2
7 - Alarm3
8 - Alarm4
9 - Alarm5
10 - Alarm6
11 - Alarm7
12 - Alarm8
13 - Alarm9
14 - Alarm10
15 - Call
16 - Call1
17 - Call2
18 - Call3
19 - Call4
20 - Call5
21 - Call6
22 - Call7
23 - Call8
24 - Call9
25 - Call10
/audiostate=n - Specifies whether you want to display the sound (see /audio above) once, looping, or not at all.
0 - Default
1 - Silent
2 - Loop
/duration=n - The time to display the Toast notification
0 - Default
1 - Short
2 - Long
/expire=n - Number of seconds before the notification expires.
/image="pathname" - The image file you want to display (for template types 0 - 3)
/template=n - The type of Windows Toast you want to display:
0 - An image on the left, and a string that occupies a maximum of three lines
1 - An image on the left, a bold string on the first line and a second string wrapped across the second and third lines.
2 - An image on the left, a bold string on the first and second lines, and a second string on the third line.
3 - An image on the left, a bold string on the first line, a second string on the second line, and a third string on the third line.
4 - A string that occupies a maximum of three lines
5 - A bold string on the first line and a second string wrapped across the second and third lines.
6 - A bold string on the first and second lines, and a second string on the third line.
7 - A bold string on the first line, a second string on the second line, and a third string on the third line.
/S - Create the shortcut to TCC required for Toast notifications. (Not valid with any other options.) This is normally done by the installer, so you shouldn't need to run TOAST /S unless the shortcut was removed.
/text1="text" - Text to display in the first line (template types 0 - 7).
/text2="text" - Text to display in the second line (for template types 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7)
/text3="text" - Text to display in the third line (for template types 3, and 7)