The CMDebug toolbar has a number of icons to control editing and debugging. Each has a tooltip for quick reference:


NewCreate a new batch file in a new tab window.
OpenOpen an existing batch file in a new tab window.
SaveSave the current batch file.
PrintPrint the current batch file.
CutCopy the highlighted selection to the clipboard and delete it from the file.
Copy Copy the highlighted selection to the clipboard.
PasteCopy the contents of the clipboard to the current cursor location.
DeleteDelete the highlighted selection.
UndoUndo the last edit.
RedoRestore the last Undo.
FindSearch for text.
RegEx FilterHides all lines that don't match the regular expression,
Batch ArgumentsNew batch file arguments. The text will be parsed into %1 - %n batch arguments and used when the batch file is debugged.
Start DebuggingStarts the debugger. The cursor will be placed on the first line.
Pause DebuggingPause execution at the next line.
Stop DebuggingStops the debugger.
Step IntoExecute the current line.
Step OverExecute the current line but disable the debugger during a CALL or GOSUB.
Run to BreakpointExecute the batch file, stopping at the next breakpoint.
Toggle BreakpointSets or turns off a breakpoint on the current line.
Clear BreakpointsClear all breakpoints in the current batch file.
File PropertiesDisplays information on the current batch file.
Start New ShellStart another copy of TCC (this is useful if you need to perform some tasks while debugging a file.)
HelpDisplay the online help.


The CMDebug toolbar is customizable. To customize the toolbar click on the down arrow on the right side of the toolbar.

