TPIPE command - Text filtering, search, substitution, and conversion
Purpose:Text filtering, search, substitution, conversion, and sorting


Format:See Options below.




TPIPE does text filtering, substitution, conversion, and sorting on text files. If you don't specify an input filename, TPIPE will read from standard input if it has been redirected. If you don't specify an output filename, TPIPE will write to standard output. This is substantially slower than reading from and writing to files, but allows you to use TPIPE with pipes.


You can specify multiple filters, which will be processed in the order they appear on the command line. Do not insert any unquoted whitespace or switch characters in the arguments to an option. If you do need to pass whitespace, switch characters, or double quotes in an argument, you can quote the entire option in single back quotes.


Row and column positions start at 1.


TPIPE defaults to UTF8 encoding when loading or saving files.


If you need to process a Windows Unicode UTF-16 file, unless the filter supports Unicode directly (for example, /simple) you'll need to convert it to UTF-8 first (see /unicode=...).




Filename or folder to read/input=filename[,subfolders[,action]]


Filename to write/output=filename


Output filter directory/outputfolder=directory


Define how binary files are processed/inputbinary=n[,size]


Define clipboard input as ASCII or Unicode/inputclipboardunicode=n


Delete input files after processing/inputdelete=n
















Keep existing file date for the output file/outputretaindate=n


Get input from and output to the clipboard/clipboard


Name of filter file to load/filter=filename


Save filter settings/save=filename


Following filters are sub filters /startsubfilters


End sub filters/endsubfilters


Buffer size for search/replace filter/buffersize=n


Set edit distance threshhold for search/replace filter/editdistance=n


Add a comment to a filter file/comment=text


Add a database-type filter/database=Mode,GenerateHeader,Timeout,Connection,InsertTable,FieldDelimiter,Qualifier


Remove or show duplicate lines/dup=Type,MatchCase,StartColumn,Length,IncludeOne,Format


EOL conversion filter/eol=input,output,length,LFString,Remove


File-type flter/file=type,MatchCase,filename


Grep type line based filter/grep=Type,IncludeLineNumbers,IncludeFilename,MatchCase,CountMatches,PatternType,UTF8,IgnoreEmpty,Pattern


Add a head type filter/head=Exclude,LinesOrBytes,Count


Add insert type filter/insert=type,position,string


Add a line number fllter/line=StartNumber,Increment,SkipBlank,DontNumberBlank,NumberFormat[,DontReset[,ResetNewFile]]


Log TPIPE actions/log=Filename


Append to the log file/logappend=n


Add a maths type filter/maths=operation,operand


Merge into single output filename/merge=type,filename


Add a number type filter/number=type,value


Set Perl matching options for search/replace filter/perl=BufferSize,Greedy,AllowComments,DotMatchesNewLines


Search and replace filter/replace=Type,MatchCase,WholeWord,CaseReplace,PromptOnReplace,Extract,FirstOnly,SkipPromptIdentical,Action,SearchStr,ReplaceStr


Search and replace list/replacelist=Type,MatchCase,WholeWord,CaseReplace,PromptOnReplace,FirstOnly,SkipPromptIdentical,Simultaneous,LongestFirst,Filename


Add run program external filter/run=InputFileName,OutputFileName,"CommandLine"


Add an ActiveX script filter/script=language,timeout,code




hmtoggle_plus1/selection2=type, columnSpec,moveTo,processIndividually,excludeDelimiter,excludeQuotes,delimiter[,customDelimiter,hasHeader]


Add a simple filter type/simple=n[u]


Sort text files/sort=Type,Reverse,RemoveDuplicates,StartColumn,Length


Add a split type filter/split=type,SplitSize,SplitChar,SplitCharPos,SplitCharCount,SplitLines,SplitFilename[,FirstFileNumber,PreventOverload]


Add a string-type filter/string=type,MatchCase,string


Add a tail type filter/tail=Exclude,LinesOrBytes,Count


Convert file to or from Unicode/unicode=input,output


Add an HTML / XML filter/xml=Type,IncludeText,IncludeQuotes,MatchCase,BufferSize,Tag,Attribute,EndTag