Operating system and software status
The list below gives a one-line description of all Internal Variables and a cross reference which selects a separate help topic on that variable. Many variables are simple enough that the one-line description is probably sufficient, but in most cases you should check for any additional information in the cross referenced explanation if you are not already familiar with a variable. You can also obtain help on any function with a HELP variablename command at the prompt.
AC line status |
Alt key depressed |
Battery status |
Remaining battery life, seconds |
Remaining battery life, % |
CapsLock on: 1, otherwise 0 |
CPU type |
CPU time usage (percent) |
Ctrl key depressed: 1, otherwise 0 |
A keyboard input character is waiting: 1, otherwise 0 |
left Alt key depressed: 1, otherwise 0 |
left Ctrl key depressed: 1, otherwise 0 |
left Shift key depressed: 1, otherwise 0 |
NumLock on:r 1, otherwise 0 |
right Alt key depressed: 1, otherwise 0 |
right Ctrl key depressed: 1, otherwise 0 |
right Shift key depressed: 1, otherwise 0 |
ScrollLock on: 1, otherwise 0 |
Shift key depressed: 1, otherwise 0 |
Operating system and software status
Last argument of previous command |
1 if administrator; else 0 |
Boot drive letter, without a colon |
Current code page number |
Current country code |
Operating system type |
Operating system version |
1 if the TCC-RT process is elevated |
Host name of local computer. |
Windows hardware profile if defined |
Running inside Hyper-V: 1; else 0 |
Milliseconds since last user input |
IP address(es) of local computer. |
Index of the current adapter |
Number of adapters in the system |
Returns 1 if the local computer is acting as an ARP proxy |
Returns 1 if DNS is enabled on the local computer |
List of other DNS servers configured for the host |
The default DNS server for the local computer |
Returns 1 if routing is enabled on the local computer |
IP address(es) of local computer. |
Windows build number |
Display available serial ports (COM1 - COMn) |
Running inside Take Command: 1; else 0 |
Running inside VirtualBox: 1; else 0 |
Running inside VirtualPC: 1; else 0 |
Running inside VMWare: 1; else 0 |
Windows directory pathname |
Title of foreground window. |
Name of local computer |
Windows system directory pathname |
Milliseconds since Windows was started |
Current window title |
Name of current user. |
Windows version number |
Running in Windows x64: 1; else 0 |
System WOW64 directory |
1 if TCC-RT is the x64 (64-bit) version |
Running inside Xen: 1; else 0 |
TCC-RT version |
Batch nesting level |
Line number in current batch file. |
Full path and filename of current batch file |
Pathname of the current batch file |
Type of the current batch file |
Batch debugger active: 1, otherwise 0 |
Build number |
Process ID of most recent child process |
Current command line |
Command processor name |
Full pathname of command processor |
Handle to the active console screen buffer |
Process ID of most recent detached process |
Name of the description file. |
Echo status |
Default insert mode: 1; else 0 |
Array elements assigned by the last @EXECARRAY |
TCC-RT exit code |
Current expansion mode (SETDOS /X) |
Array elements assigned by the last @FILEARRAY |
Current history log file name |
IFTP session active: 1, otherwise 0 |
IFTPS session active: 1, otherwise 0 |
ISFTP (SSH) session active: 1, otherwise 0 |
Full pathname of the current INI file |
Current input editor state (0=overstrike, 1=insert) |
Current log file name |
Checked box in MSGBOX : 1, else 0 |
Name of the parent process |
Name of the parent batch file |
The TCC-RT process ID (numeric) |
Current process is running in a pipe: 1, otherwise 0 |
Process ID of parent process |
Registered user name |
Selected text in current tab window |
TCC is a service: 1, else 0 |
Shell level |
Pathname of shortcut that started this process |
SHRALIAS is loaded: 1, otherwise 0 |
Startup directory of current shell. |
Process ID of most recent STARTed process |
STDIN redirected: 0, otherwise 1 |
STDOUT redirected: 0, otherwise 1 |
STDERR redirected: 0, otherwise 1 |
Number of TCC instances |
Running inside TCC RT: 1, else |
Time current TCC-RT session has been running |
Time current TCC-RT session was started |
TCC is the active Take Command tab: 1, else 0 |
Current value of TCEXIT.* |
Current filter in the File Explorer window |
Selected folder in File Explorer window |
Selected entries in the File Explorer window |
Number of Take Command instances |
Current value of TCSTART.* |
Current number of Take Command tab windows |
Current process is a transient shell: 1, otherwise 0 |
TCC-RT uses unicode for redirected output: 1, otherwise 0 |
TCC-RT major version |
TCC-RT minor version |
TCC-RT version in major.minor format (i.e., 31.0) |
Background color at cursor position |
Current text cursor shape in insert mode |
Current text cursor shape in overstrike mode |
Current cursor column |
Virtual screen width |
Foreground color at cursor position |
Number of monitors |
Current cursor row |
Screen height |
Selected text in current tab window |
Virtual screen horizontal size |
Virtual screen vertical size |
Column of last mouse click |
Physical screen horizontal size in pixels |
Width of Take Command or TCC-RT window in pixels |
Row of last mouse click |
Physical screen vertical size in pixels |
Height of Take Command or TCC-RT window in pixels |
OpenAFS workstation cell |
List of CD-ROM drives |
Current drive and directory |
Current drive and directory with trailing \ |
Current directory |
Current directory with trailing \ |
Current drive |
List of all available drives |
List of DVD drives |
List of hard (fixed) drives |
Previous directory (from directory history) |
Last valid drive |
OpenAFS service installed: 1, otherwise 0 |
List of ready (accessible) drives |
Current date |
Current date and time, yyyyMMddhhmmss |
Current day of the month |
Current day of the week, English, short |
Current day of the week, English, full |
Current day of the week as an integer |
Current day of the year |
Daylight savings time: 1, else 0 |
Current hour |
Current day of the week, local language, short |
Current day of the week, local language, full |
Current month name, local language, short |
Current month name, local language, full |
Current date in ISO 8601 format |
ISO 8601 numeric day of week |
ISO 8601 current week date (yyyy-Www-d) |
ISO 8601 week of year |
ISO 8601 week date year |
Current minute |
Current month of the year as integer |
Current month of the year, English, full |
Current second |
Name of time zone for standard time |
Offset in minutes from UTC for standard time |
Current time |
Name of current time zone |
Offset in minutes from UTC for current time zone |
Current UTC time |
Current UTC date |
Current UTC date and time |
Current UTC hour |
Current UTC date in ISO format |
Current UTC minute |
Current UTC second |
Current year |
Exit code, last external program |
Exit code, last internal command |
Exit code, last external program |
Last @EXECSTR return code |
Last FTP error code |
Latest Windows error code |
Altitude from sea level in meters |
List of the azimuth of each satellite in view |
List of the elevation of each satellite in view |
Accuracy of the latitude and longitude values |
Quality of the fix |
Type of the fix |
Horizontal dilution of precision |
True heading |
List of the IDs of the satellites in view |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Magnetic heading |
NMEA sentence |
GPS operation mode |
Position dilution of precision |
List of the PRN numbers of the satellites in view |
Number of satellites in view |
Number of satellites used in solution |
GPS selection mode |
List of the signal to noise ratio of each satellite in view |
Speed in knots |
GPS status |
Vertical dilution of precision |