Purpose: | Manage Windows 10 virtual desktops |
Format: | VDESKTOP [[/N="name"] /C [/W="file"] /R id /S [id] - +] |
VDESKTOP lets you create, remove, or switch Windows 10 virtual desktops.
VDESKTOP requires Windows 10 build 21313 or later.
/N | You can optionally specify a desktop name. If you don't specify a name, you need to use a desktop number (1 - n) or the desktop GUID. Note that with the current Windows builds, the name is not updated in the Task View, though it is usable with subsequent VDESKTOP commands, and it will be displayed properly when the system is restarted. |
/R | Remove the specified desktop. Id can be a desktop number (1 - n) or the GUID for that desktop. |
/S | Switch to the specified desktop. If id isn't specified, switch to the desktop created with /C. id can either be a desktop number (1 - n) or the GUID for that desktop. |
/W | When used with /C, /W specifies the image file to use for the background wallpaper for the desktop. Note that with the current Windows builds, the background will not be updated until the system is restarted. |