Purpose:POST data to interactive web pages or scripts


Format:WEBFORM [/An /En /Fn /IPv6 /U"username" /O:headers" /P"password" /R"referer" /Tn /V] /W"url" "varname" "varvalue" ...


varnameForm variable
varvalueForm value


/An (authorization)/P(assword)
/En (encoding)/R(eferrer)
/F (HTTP agent)/Tn (firewall)
/L(ocal file)/V(erbose)
/O(ther headers)/W(eb URL)



WEBFORM will POST data to interactive web pages or scripts (CGI, ASP, etc.), similar to what HTML forms do.


WEBFORM will use the proxy & firewall settings from TCMD.INI. WEBFORM will support either HTTP or HTTPS (SSL) connections.




webform /v /w"http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv" "f", "sl1d1t1c1ohgv" "e", ".csv" "s", "IBM"




/AnAuthorization scheme:


0 - basic

1 - digest

2 - proprietary

3 - none

4 - NTLM

5 - Negotiate




0 (URLEncoding) This is the most common encoding for HTML form contents.

1 (MultipartFormData) This is MIME encoding allowing transmission of binary data.

2 (QueryString) This is an older form of encoding where the actual parameters are appended to the URL query string. (Generally not recommended because most servers limit the size of the URL to less than 1K or 2K).


/FEmail address of the HTTP agent.


/IPv6Use IPv6 instead of IPv4.


Local file for downloading. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.


Other headers. The headers must be of the format "header: value" as described in the HTTP specifications. Header lines should be separated by CR/LF (^r^n).


Password if authentication is to be used.


/R"referer"  The document referring the requested URL


/TnFirewall type:


0 - no firewall (default)

1 - Connect through a tunneling proxy. Port is set to 80.

2 - Connect through a SOCKS4 proxy. Port is set to 1080.

3 - Connect through a SOCKS5 proxy. Port is set to 1080.


User name if authentication is to be used


/VDisplay retrieved document text


/W"url"URL of web page