CMDebug 23.0:





CMDebug is using new version of Advanced Installer.





CMDebug is compatible with the Windows 10 Spring 2018 Update.

CMDebug is using an updated version of the GUI framework.


CMDebug is using an updated version of the Scintilla edit control.


CMDebug is using an updated version of the Onigmo regular expression library.


CMDebug has a number of controls drawing improvements related to custom font sizes and DPI scaling.


The Tabs context menu (right click on a tab header) has three new options:


 Open Containing Folder  (opens a File Explorer window in the batch file's directory)


 Close All But This


If you are editing a variable name in the Watch window, the Delete (X) button will delete marked text in the edit control. Otherwise, X will delete the currently selected line in the watch list.


"Run to Cursor" is a new option in the Debug menu. If you click on a line in the debugger window, and then select "Run to Cursor", the debugger will run the batch file (ignoring any breakpoints) until it reaches the selected line.


CMDebug includes TCC-RT 23.0.





The v23 help is built with a new version of the help compiler (Help & Manual).


The help has been expanded with more examples and key words.