CMDebug 24.02:
Updated the internet and compression libraries in TCC-RT.
Changed the TCC-RT /S startup switch to /B.
Added support for the CMD /S startup option to TCC-RT.
Updated the Language dlls.
Updated the Scintilla (scilexer.dll) editor.
CMDebug 24.01:
The Take Command display output is faster and uses less CPU.
TCC now supports Python 3.7.2.
Improved the editor performance in IDE, CMDebug and TCEdit.
Everything Search has been updated to version
Updated the Onigmo regular expression library.
Updated the Scintilla (scilexer.dll) editor.
CMDebug 24.0:
CMDebug is using new version of Advanced Installer.
CMDebug is compatible with the Windows 10 Fall 2018 Update.
Version 24 is using a new version of the GUI framework library.
Version 24 is using a new version of the Scintilla editor.
Text display is faster and the antialiased fonts are a little clearer.
The dark themes now have dark margins (profiler, breakpoints, line numbering).
When you move the CMDebug window, it will snap to the screen edges if it's within 10 pixels.
CMDebug includes TCC-RT 24.0.
The v24 help is built with a new version of the help compiler (Help & Manual).
The help has been expanded with more examples and key words.
Updated TCC-RT Commands:
/Nz - Skip system directories (when used with /S).
/Nz - Skip system directories (when used with /S).
/Nz - Skip system directories (when used with /S).
DELAY UNTIL now accepts a space, comma, or = between the date and the time. (This allows it to work with the string returned by @AGEDATE.)
/Nz - Skip system directories (when used with /S).
/R now supports reading multiple library files.
/Q - Don't display an error if the function doesn't exist.
/Nz - Skip system directories (when used with /S).
/V - Checks all of the directories in %PATH, and displays an error message for any that don't exist.
New TCC-RT Commands:
UNLIBRARY removes library functions defined with the LIBRARY command. The syntax is:
UNLIBRARY [/Q /R filename ... (function ...)] functionname ...
/Q - Don't display errors if the library function doesn't exist.
/R - Read the functions to delete from a file
UNLIBRARY supports exception lists (enclosed in parentheses) to specify library functions you do not want to delete.