NEW VERSION OVERVIEW - Take Command 13.04
VIEW - The menus and dialogs are now available in English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The first time you run VIEW, it will set the language to the one defined in TCMD.INI. If you want to change it, you can select a language by starting VIEW, and selecting Tools / Preferences from the menu.
Updated all of the Internet libraries (ip*.dll).
NEW VERSION OVERVIEW - Take Command 13.03
Updated all of the Internet libraries (ip*.dll).
Updated zip library.
Updated registration (licensing) library.
New installer version.
Added Google Translate to web help.
MKLINK - /D will now create a directory symlink even if the directory to link to does not exist (for CMD compatibility).
NEW VERSION OVERVIEW - Take Command 13.02
The batch debugger editor and command input editor have been upgraded to a major new version.
Added the feedback tab to the web help pages.
BDEBUGGER - Added the Ctrl-F3, F3, and Shift-F3 keys (find next / find prev).
NEW VERSION OVERVIEW - Take Command 13.01
The local help (tcmd.chm) has a number of new display options.
Take Command and TCC now have the option to use either the new Web Help or the local help (tcmd.chm). The web help
has some additional features, including the ability to add comments to help topics.
The search algorithm for the popup windows has changed slightly. TCC will append a * to the search string unless the last character of the string is a wildcard (?, *, or ]), or if the search string is a regular expression (the first two characters of the string are ::).
MKLINK - The /X option no longer requires two arguments.
Take Command/LE has been discontinued. Existing Take Command/LE customers have been sent a free update to the full Take Command version.
.INI Directives:
WebHelp=yes|NO - New TCMD.INI directive (set in the Take Command and the TCC configuration dialogs). If set,
Take Command and TCC will use the web help at instead of the local help.
NEW VERSION OVERVIEW - Take Command 13.0
This is a summary of the new features. For complete details, see the appropriate topics in this help file. Features marked with a * are also in TCC/LE; all other features are Take Command and/or TCC only.
Feature List:
* | TCC/LE is now available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. |
* | Removed the (non-Windows) limits on filename and argument size. The maximum filename size (dictated by Windows) and single argument size is now 32,767 characters. |
* | The maximum (input) command line is now 65,535 characters. |
* | The maximum expanded command line size is now 131,072 characters. |
* | Fuzzy directory (jpstree.idx) updates (in MD, RD, DEL /S/X, etc.) are twice as fast as v12. |
The Take Command toolbar has a new button "V" that will call the new file viewer VIEW (see below).
All of the popup windows (history lists, filename completion, @select, etc) have an edit control on the toolbar. Entering a search string there (or just typing while the popup window has focus) will eliminate non-matching entries from the window. The search string can also contain wildcards or regular expressions. (For example, entering *jpsoft* in the edit control at the top of the window will select all matching lines that contain "jpsoft" anywhere.)
All paging options (/P) in TCC now accept an "All" key to turn off paging. (This will vary by language, and is shown in the prompt.)
TCC now sets the default regular expression syntax (according to the value set in TCMD.INI) at startup and after saving new values in OPTION. (This is only of interest to plugin authors.)
The persistent directory history file is now only loaded if either local directory history is set, or TCC thinks it is the first instance. But since there's no such thing as "shell levels" in Windows, TCC can only guess (based on the TCMD.INI inheritance).
If the DirHistoryOnEntry .INI directive is set, TCC will save its startup directory to the directory history.
A Ctrl-Enter in the Command Input window will execute the current line and move the cursor down to the next line (without inserting a line).
Take Command now saves toolbar changes done through the add tab or create/edit button dialogs (previously it required you to right click in the toolbar & select "Save to .INI").
Help file updates.
.INI Directives:
AliasSize - Set the size of the global alias list (in characters). (The default is 256K.)
BeepFreq / BeepLength-- you can play a system sound on an error by setting BeepLength to 0 and BeepFreq to the desired sound:
0 - Windows default beep sound
16 - Windows Critical Stop sound
32 - Windows Question sound
48 - Windows Exclamation sound
64 - Windows Asterisk sound
DelWipePasses - The number of passes for a DEL /W. The range is 1-9; the default is 3.
FunctionSize - Set the size of the global function list (in characters). (The default is 128K.)
Command Line Editing:
A Ctrl-Enter in the Command Input window will execute the current line and move the cursor down to the next line (without inserting a line).
An Alt-F1 will look to see if the (first and only) argument on the line is an internal command with a command dialog (see below), and if so invoke the dialog.
The popup history windows have an edit control on the toolbar. Entering a search string there (or just typing while the popup window has focus) will eliminate non-matching entries from the window.
New Commands:
Send an HTML email.
SENDHTML [/A file1 [/A file2 ...] /D /Eaddress /H"header: value" /In /M /Pn /R /Sn /SSL[=n] /V] "address[,address...] [cc:address[,address] bcc:address[,address...]]" subject [ text | @msgfile ]
file1... The attachment files
address The destination email address
subject The subject line
text The message to send
msgfile The file containing the message body
/SSL=n SSL negotiation type
/A file Attachment
/D Delivery Confirmation
/E Reply-to address
/H Send custom header
/In Importance
/M CRAM-MD5 authentication
/Pn Priority
/R Send read receipt
/Sn Sensitivity
/V Verbose
/X Send EHLO instead of HELO
If you pass "/=" as the argument, SENDHTML will display a dialog to help you with the command line options.
Run the new internal command dialogs. . See the Commands section for details.
The syntax is:
TCDIALOG command
If "command" does not have a dialog, TCDIALOG returns a usage error.
VIEW is a replacement for LIST. The syntax is:
VIEW [/A:[[-|+]rhsadecijopt /A /B /E /F /FIX /FLAT / GB /H /L /L:n ?LEN:n /O:xx /P /R /S:xx /T /TEXT /VH /W] file ...
/= | Display the VIEW command dialog to help you set the filename and command line options. You cannot specify any other arguments on the command line. |
/A: | Select only those files that have the specified attribute(s) set. See Attribute Switches for information on the attributes which can follow /A:. Do not use /A: with @file lists. See @file lists for details. |
You can specify /A:= to display a dialog to help you set individual attributes.
/A | View the file in ASCII mode. This is the default mode and will only need to be specified in order to override an existing EBCDIC mode. |
/B | View the file in EBCDIC mode. VIEW normally automatically determines if a file is EBCDIC and automatically sets this mode. |
/E | Start viewing the file from the end instead of the beginning. |
/F | Standard input has been redirected (such as the output of a DIR command). (VIEW can normally determine this on its own.) |
/FIX:n | When viewing a file, the display may be fixed at a certain column position so that any text to the left of the fixed column will always be visible (ie, it will not scroll off the screen). |
/FLAT | Enables Flat Text Mode. This is a cross between text and hex modes. The file is displayed as text, however, control characters like line feeds and tabs are not expanded, and the file is always wrapped at the specified wrap length. |
/GB | Enables Greenbar Mode. (Each alternating line is in a different color.) |
/H | View the file in Hex mode. |
/L | Display the last file that was viewed. (This will be the first file in the Recent Files list.) |
/L:n | Start displaying the file from line number n. A solid blue line will appear at the top of the file, indicating that a non-zero start offset is being used. |
/LEN:n | Set the wrap length to n. |
/O:xx | Start displaying the file from offset xx. |
/P | Print the file and exit VIEW when finished. |
/R | When started with no parameters, VIEW will browse the current directory. By specifying the /R option, VIEW will display the directory that it last browsed. |
/S | The /S option is used to tell VIEW to start displaying the file at the position of a string match. The format of the /S command line option is as follows: |
/S:SearchString /SO:[CWRHUB] /SN:n /SC:Columns
where SO can contain a series of letters which correspond to the options in the search dialog box. These can be one of: |
C | Match case |
W | Word Only |
R | Regular Expression |
H | Hex/Binary |
U | Unicode |
B | Search backwards (from end of file) |
SN indicates which occurrence of the string to find. By default, the first match is found (n=1).
SC can be used to restrict the search to certain columns.
If the search string contains spaces, you must enclose it in double quotes.
/T | Enable File Tailing. If data is added to the file while you are viewing it, it will automatically be updated. There is no need to press the Refresh button to see any changes since the file was loaded. This is particularly useful when viewing log files while they are still being updated. |
/TEXT | Open the files in text mode (opposite of /H). (This is the default.) |
/VH | Display the file in Vertical Hex Mode. This is a cross between Text and Hex modes. The file is displayed one line at a time (just as in text mode). However, each line is followed by 2 lines containing the hex code of each character in the line. |
/W | Display the VIEW window in a Take Command tab window. |
POST data to interactive web pages or scripts. WEBFORM will use the proxy & firewall settings from TCMD.INI.
WEBFORM [/An /En /Fn /U"username" /P"password" /R"referer" /V] /W"url" "varname" "varvalue" ...
/An | Authorization scheme: |
0 - basic |
1 - digest |
2 - proprietary |
3 - none |
4 - NTLM |
5 - Negotiate |
/En | Encoding: |
0 (URLEncoding) This is the most common encoding for HTML form contents. |
1 (MultipartFormData) This is MIME encoding allowing transmission of binary data. |
2 (QueryString) This is an older form of encoding where the actual parameters are appended to the URL query string. (Generally not recommended because most servers limit the size of the URL to less than 1K or 2K). |
/F"from" | Email address of the HTTP agent. |
/U"username" | User name if authentication is to be used. |
/L"localfile" Local file for downloading. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
/O"headers" | Other headers. The headers must be of the format "header: value" as described in the HTTP specifications. Header lines should be separated by CR/LF (^r^n). |
/R"referer" The document referring the requested URL
/Tn | Firewall type: |
0 - no firewall (default) |
1 - Connect through a tunneling proxy. Port is set to 80. |
2 - Connect through a SOCKS4 proxy. Port is set to 1080. |
3 - Connect through a SOCKS5 proxy. Port is set to 1080. |
/V(erbose) Display retrieved document text
/W"url" | URL of web page |
Example: |
webform /v /w"" "f", "sl1d1t1c1ohgv" "e", ".csv" "s", "IBM" |
Upload files to RFC1867-compliant web servers. WEBUPLOAD will use the proxy & firewall settings from TCMD.INI.
WEBUPLOAD [/An /Fn /U"username" /P"password" /R"referer" /V] /W"url" [/V "varname" "varvalue"] "filevar" "filename" ...
/An | Authorization scheme: |
0 - basic |
1 - digest |
2 - proprietary |
3 - none |
4 - NTLM |
5 - Negotiate |
/F"from" | Email address of the HTTP agent. |
/U"username" | User name if authentication is to be used. |
/L"localfile" Local file for downloading. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
/O"headers" | Other headers. The headers must be of the format "header: value" as described in the HTTP specifications. Header lines should be separated by CR/LF (^r^n). |
/R"referer" The document referring the requested URL
/Tn | Firewall type: |
0 - no firewall (default) |
1 - Connect through a tunneling proxy. Port is set to 80. |
2 - Connect through a SOCKS4 proxy. Port is set to 1080. |
3 - Connect through a SOCKS5 proxy. Port is set to 1080. |
/V | The following two arguments are a varname / varvalue pair. |
DESKTOP - makes the desktop the active window
/U - display/set the associations in HKCU\Software\Classes
If you pass "/=" as the argument, ATTRIB will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, ATTRIB will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, ATTRIB will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_attrib_dirs - The number of directories modified
%_attrib_files - The number of files modified
%_attrib_errors - The number of errors
Fuzzy directory searches are 250% faster.
Extended the ~ (home) path argument to take appended directory names (i.e., "~\music"). If CD cannot find HOME in the environment, it will look for HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH.
Fuzzy directory searches are 250% faster.
Extended the ~ (home) path argument to take appended directory names (i.e., "~\music"). If CDD cannot find HOME in the environment, it will look for HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, COPY will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, COPY will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, COPY will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_copy_dirs - The number of directories created
%_copy_files - The number of files copied
%_copy_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, DEL will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, DEL will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, DEL will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
/W[n] - takes a new option to specify the number of wipe passes. The range is 1-9999; the default is 3. (It will be REALLY slow and probably really pointless at anything over 3-5.) See also the .INI directive DelWipePasses.
Sets three internal variables:
%_del_dirs - The number of directories deleted
%_del_files - The number of files deleted
%_del_errors - The number of errors
UNTIL [yyyy-mm-dd] hh:mm[:ss] - delay until the specified date/time. If no date is specified, default to today.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, DESCRIBE will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, DESCRIBE will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, DIR will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, DIR will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, DIR will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_dir_dirs - The number of directories displayed
%_dir_files - The number of files displayed
%_dir_errors - The number of errors
/B1 - display bare filenames with the relative path from the start, when used with /S. (Normally, /B shows
the full pathname for each file.)
If you pass "/=" as the argument, DIRHISTORY will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, DO will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, DO will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_do_dirs - The number of subdirectories traversed
%_do_files - The number of files processed
%_do_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, EVENTLOG will display a dialog to help you set the command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, FFIND will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, FFIND will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_ffind_matches - The number of matches
%_ffind_files - The number of files found
%_ffind_errors - The number of errors
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, FOR will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, FOR will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets two internal variables:
%_for_files - The number of files processed
%_for_errors - The number of errors
/U - display/set the types in HKCU\Software\Classes
If you pass "/=" as the argument, GLOBAL will display a dialog to help you set the command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, GZIP will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, GZIP will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, HEAD will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, HEAD will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, HEAD will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
/B - ignore Bell (ASCII 7) characters.
Sets two internal variables:
%_head_files - The number of files displayed
%_head_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, HISTORY will display a dialog to help you set the command line options.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, IFTP will display a dialog to help you set the command line options.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, JABBER will display a dialog to help you set the command line options.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, LIST will display a dialog to help you set the file and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, LIST will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, LIST will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, MD will display a dialog to help you set the directory and command line options.
Sets two internal variables:
%_md_dirs - The number of directories created
%_md_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, MKLINK will display a dialog to help you set the file and command line options.
/A - create a link with an absolute path. (For CMD compatibility, MKLINK normally creates relative links if you don't pass the full pathname.)
/X - deletes a directory link.
Sets two internal variables:
%_mklink_links - The number of links created
%_mklink_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, MKLNK will display a dialog to help you set the file and command line options.
Sets two internal variables:
%_mklnk_links - The number of links created
%_mklnk_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, MOVE will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, MOVE will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, MOVE will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_move_dirs - The number of directories created
%_move_files - The number of files moved
%_move_errors - The number of errors
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, PDIR will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, PDIR will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.'
/B1 - display bare filenames with the relative path from the start, when used with /S.
Sets three internal variables:
%_pdir_dirs - The number of directories displayed
%_pdir_files - The number of files displayed
%_pdir_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, PLAYAVI will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, PLAYSOUND will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, PLUGIN will display a dialog to help you set the file and command line options.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, RD will display a dialog to help you set the directory and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, RD will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
Sets two internal variables:
%_rd_dirs - The number of directories deleted
%_rd_errors - The number of errors
(Note that if you do an RD /S, the actual deletions are done by DEL, so check the DEL variables.)
If you pass "/=" as the argument, REN will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, REN will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, REN will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_ren_dirs - The number of directories renamed
%_ren_files - The number of files renamed
%_ren_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, SELECT will display a dialog to help you set the command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, SELECT will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, SELECT will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Added support for @file lists.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, SENDMAIL will display a dialog to help you set the command line options.
/X - Send EHLO instead of HELO.
/Q - don't echo result of /A when at the command line.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, START will display a dialog to help you set the command and options.
Added new command CASEALL, which should follow all the CASE statements but precede the DEFAULT. If a CASE statement has been executed, then CASEALL will also be executed; otherwise it is ignored.
CASE arguments can be literals, variables, or functions.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, SYNC will display a dialog to help you set the directory and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, SYNC will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, SYNC will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_sync_dirs - The number of directories created
%_sync_files - The number of files copied
%_sync_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, TAIL will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, TAIL will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, TAIL will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
/B - ignore Bell (ASCII 7) characters
Sets two internal variables:
%_tail_files - The number of files displayed
%_tail_errors - The number of errors
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, TAR will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, TAR will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets two internal variables:
%_tar_files - The number of files compressed
%_tar_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, TASKLIST will display a dialog to help you set the command line options.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, TOUCH will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, TOUCH will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, TOUCH will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets three internal variables:
%_touch_dirs - The number of directories touched
%_touch_files - The number of files touched
%_touch_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, TREE will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, TREE will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, TREE will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, TYPE will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, TYPE will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, TYPE will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
/B - ignore Bell (ASCII 7) characters.
Sets two internal variables:
%_type_files - The number of files displayed
%_type_errors - The number of errors
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, UNGZIP will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, UNGZIP will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Added support for wildcards in the gzip filename.
Added range support.
If you pass "/=" as the argument, UNTAR will display a dialog to help you set the archive name and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, UNTAR will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, UNTAR will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Added support for wildcards in the tar filename.
Added range support.
Sets two internal variables:
%_untar_files - The number of files extracted
%_untar_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, UNZIP will display a dialog to help you set the archive name and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, UNZIP will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, UNZIP will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Added support for wildcards in the zip filename.
Added range support.
Sets two internal variables:
%_unzip_files - The number of files extracted
%_unzip_errors - The number of errors
If you pass "/=" as the argument, ZIP will display a dialog to help you set the filename and command line options.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, ZIP will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
If you specify "/A:=" for the attributes, ZIP will display a dialog to help you set the individual attributes.
Sets two internal variables:
%_zip_files - The number of files compressed
%_zip_errors - The number of errors
Added ranges support.
If you specify "/[=]" for the ranges, ZIPSFX will display a dialog to help you set the individual range arguments.
Sets two internal variables:
%_zipsfx_files - The number of files compressed
%_zipsfx_errors - The number of errors
Internal Variables:
_TCEXIT - the pathname of the file, as of the time %_TCEXIT is referenced. (The value could change before is called.)
_TCSTART - the pathname of the file. It is set prior to TCSTART being executed.
Variable Functions:
* | The maximum argument size (passed to and returned from) variable functions has been increased to 32,767 characters. |
%@ASSOC - added second optional argument "U" for associations in HKCU\Software\Classes.
%@B64DECODE - Decode a Base64 file or string (MIME encoding format).
%@B64ENCODE - Encode a file or string to Base64 (MIME encoding format).
%@FILEOPEN - added support for CON:.
%@FTYPE - added second optional argument "U" for types in HKCU\Software\Classes.
%@GETDIR - now uses the newer Explorer-style dialog.
%@HEXDECODE - Decode a hex encoded file or string.
%@HEXENCODE - Encode a text file or string as hex.
%@LINE - is 50% faster.
%@LINES - is 50% faster.
%@SELECT - is 200% faster.
%@UTF8DECODE - Decode a UTF8 file or string.
%@UTF8ENCODE - Encode a UTF8 file or string.
%@UUDECODE - Decode a UU encoded file.
%@UUENCODE - Encode a file using the UU Encode format.
%@YDECODE - Decode a Y Encoded file
%@YENCODE - Encode file using the Y Encode format (similar to Base64, but uses 8-bit encoding to reduce the amount of data).